Sorry I wanted to. It's just for fun I don't really believe in them.

27 votes

63 votes


Bella💗💋🐱that's so sad

Riana{FPS}👮{ACB}👊so sad, but yet so freaky!

Dat boi popplioThat's not fun, please don't romanticise suicide.

Enter yourname@Bella💗💋🐱 Ikr

Enter yourname@Riana{FPS}👮{ACB}👊 Ikr

Enter yourname@Waluigi I know it's not fun. I just saw someone else had this as a question on their profile and I felt like posting it so I did.

Titanic_forever@Skyler do you have Instagram?

Enter yourname@Myganstashows❤️ no

April_RoseI know it's for fun

Enter yourname@April_Rose I only said that cause people always tell me these don't work.