Hey..! My messaging doesn't work, so if I don't answer you, it's not my fault.

Mine is working fine..?!
6 votes

Mine is also broken.
3 votes

So, that's why you didn't answer!!
1 votes

27 votes


jackyMine broken 2

Samihaisdabest📱😊😍😘😋y u have pic of Petra?

😍❣Stevana❣😍@jacky mine too is broken

jacky@🌸🎀 Stevana🎀🌸 its really bothering me

felyD@Samihaisdabest📱😊😍😘😋 because I am Jesse. Also because she was getting sucked in and it was bad, and this app is breaking with the messaging and glitches and freezes and I can't ask questions. She is also my favorite person next to myself.

felyD@jacky it's bothering me also..!