
14 votes

Yes hes the best
14 votes

Hes the best (in trolling)
10 votes

Oh god no please
53 votes


Paige😂Yes he's the best

CalvnKleinTrump is the worst thing to ever happen in US politics 😫

noeLet the Islamists in so that they can blow his ass up. Fucking racist motherfucker

SerpentineI'm not even a supporter of him, but I think he's the best out of the current mainstream candidates.

Quantic6@Awesome😍 hes the worst thing to happen to american politicos

Serpentine@Quantic6 **he's **politics There's been much worse. I personally think Hillary is the worst candidate this round.

CalvnKlein@Two-Tone, You're kidding, right?! In what demented world is Trump the best candidate and Hillary the worst?? Trump is a pompous clown that talks out of his ass with no legitimate facts to fall back on. Hillary has true, American principles, with tons of leadership experience

anna163He is funny but probably won't be a good president.

moniloveI hate him so much that I would stab him tbh

CalvnKlein@monilove, My feelings exactly. Lol

Quantic6@anna163 so true

Serpentine@CalvnKlein Hillary should be in prison right now. She's been awful at her past job. I don't think she's suited to be president. I don't think Trump is great, just better than other mainstream candidates.

anna163If he is prez, U.S.A will be in big trouble.

_MyChemicalUriePilots_bloody hell*says in ron Weasley voice* No.