What do think the reason is for people being gay?

It is all part of the grand design. There must be some some evolutionary reason
7 votes

They make the conscious or unconscious decision to be gay
12 votes

They are deranged, freaks of nature. It is the Devil's work. They are sinners
6 votes

Being gay is simply a trait that people may be born with, just like eye color is
44 votes


CalvnKleinPeople that are gay are born that way. It is not their fault nor their decision. And being gay is NOT a bad thing. All people are just born different. And diversity is a beautiful thing.

Quantic6@CalvnKlein i agree 100%

a personIt confuses me when people actually think that it's a conscious decision, because why would anyone choose to be discriminated against?

CalvnKlein@a person, Those are my thoughts exactly! It truly baffles me how people can think that

EthanThe Japanese decide whether someone is gay or not

CalvnKlein@Ethan, Lol

PenPineappleApplePen@Ethan 😂 Yeah or face the Samurai😝

Serpentine@Ethan I shall never tire of your explanations.

SerpentineI'm pretty sure it happens the same way brain disorders do, where functions in the brain change which causes them to like the same sex. . . Unless you're talking about homoromantics, not homosexuals, they just seem to want to be open-minded even if they're heterosexual.

CalvnKlein@Two-Tone, Allow me to educate you, because you seem to be very confused. Homosexuality is NOT a disorder, and it does NOT happen the same way brain disorders do. Only ignorant people think that way. Please refrain yourself from comparing being gay to having a disorder.

CalvnKlein@Two-Tone, Also, you cannot refer to brain disorders in this general manner, because they have widely dissimilar mechanisms. And romantic orientation, as a part of a person's sexual orientation, is not a choice. It is an innate disposition.

a person@CalvnKlein @TwoTone This is off topic, but I'd like to congratulate your abilities to articulate your points without resulting to acting like children. (From what I've seen anyway)

CalvnKlein@a person, Thanks! 😊

Serpentine@CalvnKlein I definitely do not think homosexuality is a disorder, it's just a sexuality (I'm not religious or anything 😅) but from what I can tell and I've researched, it seems it works in a similar way, since someone is born with it.

Serpentine@CalvnKlein I was also refering to a specific group of romantics, since some are actually born just as they are with their sexuality, but I've met some who have no actual attraction to them, they're just open to possibilities.

Serpentine@a person Why, thank you. 😛

CalvnKlein@Two-Tone, If you don't believe homosexuality is a disorder (good), then I would appreciate you not comparing it to a disorder. You can compare it to other things that a person is born with, such as having blue eyes or being left-handed

Ethan@CalvnKlein So would you say that it is based on genetics or something else entirely?

CalvnKlein@Ethan, It is a trait that is determined genetically, from the moment of conception, with some hereditary and some non-hereditary components. However, the truth is that we still have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause (i.e. gene) that is responsible for it

Ethan@CalvnKlein k

Serpentine@CalvnKlein Eh, sorry, I'm pretty bad at explaining things. I definitely see nothing wrong about it, but having blue eyes and being left-handed are both genetic traits, which isn't quite the same thing as a disorder, from what I've seen.

Serpentine@CalvnKlein Perhaps I'm wrong though, after seeing what you said to @Ethan.

CalvnKlein@Two-Tone, That's exactly what I'm saying. Homosexuality is NOT a disorder, and it should NOT be compared to a disorder. It is a trait that some people are just born with. So it is more accurate to compare it with other traits.

Serpentine@CalvnKlein The only reason I'm comparing it to a disorder is because it doesn't seem to be a genetic trait, it just comes out of the blue, similar to how disorders don't seem to appear in a genetic pattern.

Quantic6@Two-Tone disorders are genetic

Quantic6@Two-Tone well can be not all are but some are

Serpentine@Quantic6 That's true, but those are mainly physical, not mental.

CalvnKlein@Two-Tone, Sigh. I am straightforwardly telling you that a person's sexual orientation is indeed determined genetically, and it is set from the moment of conception, NOT out of the blue like you're saying.

MattybabeFuck gays they should be exterminated

CalvnKlein@Mattybabe, Ugh! It's you again 😒 Whatever dude. I'm not gonna waste any more of my valuable time entertaining your immense idiocy. You're obviously a deeply repressed homosexual, and we all know it. So just get over yourself already

MattybabeI hate gays

Mattybabethere just so gay

Ethan@Mattybabe brilliant analysis

CalvnKlein@Ethan, Lol. He probably exhausted all his brain power for that one. All 2 neurons! Haha 😂

MattybabeSure did😀

PenPineappleApplePen@Mattybabe 😂

Mattybabe@TheMuttitudeGroup love the profile pic bro

Mattybabe@TheMuttitudeGroup yea fuck the gays and fuck the liberals

a personI'm sorry, I think this bulb is a little dim, it needs to be replaced.

Mattybabe@a person creative

a person@Mattybabe I figured it was better than just calling you a lil bitch.


CalvnKlein@a person, Hahaha 😂 Nicely put!

CalvnKleinIt's best to just try to ignore him. He's a huge troll in all aspects of the word. He won't be able to grow a brain anytime soon. And he's prob not gonna change. I'm quite certain he is gay. And if he just wants to be repressed all his life and bash other people to make himself feel better, just let him. Whatever

CalvnKleinIt's best to just try to ignore him. He's a huge troll in all aspects of the word. He's not going to grow a brain anytime soon. I'm quite certain he is gay. And if he wants to be repressed all his life and bash other people to make him feel better, then just let him. Whatever

MattybabeGood one😯.......😢😓

a person@CalvnKlein yeah I've noticed, I usually ignore those kinds of people but I'm sick of people's shit these days.

PenPineappleApplePen@Mattybabe I have nothing against gay people its just how you reacted when Calvin talked about your mental state😂

Mattybabe@a person ok cupcake 😁😀

CalvnKlein@a person, I know exactly what you mean. There's only so much bullshit a person can take. And it's clear he's got tons of it. Quite pathetic actually.

MattybabeUSMC bound

PenPineappleApplePen@Mattybabe Semper Fi

Serpentine@CalvnKlein That's not 100% determined, though. It's just a theory. Sure, there is a lot of evidence leaning towards that, but there is a chance that it is NOT genetic.

Serpentine@Mattybabe Why would you hate gays? They're not making a concious choice to become gay. They're stuck with it just as much as you're stuck with being straight. Would you hate females because they're born female? No. So you shouldn't hate someone

Serpentine@Mattybabe just because they're born with a certain trait. It's just as pointless as being racist or sexist.

Serpentine@Mattybabe Seriously, though. You're just trolling. Why? What purpose does that serve?

Mattybabe@Two-Tone I'm not trolling just a man with an opinion

a person@Mattybabe you are trolling because you're purposefully commenting your opinion in a place where you obviously KNOW where people are going to react negatively to it. That is the definition of troll. And if you were a man you would know better.

Mattybabe@a person u look fat😁 it's ok tho

Serpentine@Mattybabe First off, she does not. Secondly, that's not relevant to the conversation in any way. Lastly, I don't really see why weight issues are used so casually as an insult, and it's none of your concern anyway.

Mattybabe@Two-Tone only got one body u fuck up wit it and u done son

a person@Mattybabe I may not be in perfect shape but at least I'm working on it. And though I'm disappointed your insults have gotten that basic, I'm not really surprised since you seem to have the brain power of an egg.

a person@Mattybabe tbh you seem really shallow and sad. Being like that won't get you anywhere in the real world, sorry to break it to you.

Mattybabe@a person I'm already going somewhere and pretty successful babe😉😂

a person@Mattybabe USMC? Yeah, whatever. I'm just saying if you weren't SO rude to people it might help you out in the future. I hope you aren't like this in public.

Titanic_foreveryou're naturally born with it , you're either gay or not.

Titanic_forever@Mattybabe you're fat ? God fuck off of here , troll

Mattybabe@Mygangstashows❤️ check my profile boo bear

Titanic_forever@Mattybabe no thanks I'll pass ✋

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑It's legitimately been proven to be genetic. This isn't a debate. God, it's like the whole global warming isn't real thing where do people get these ideas I don't

ToastI think that everyone is born bisexual but society tells people that you should be straight and so they "become"straight and gay people don't give a fuck about society.