I love master-bating... And porn

6 votes

27 votes


Dat boi popplio*Masturbating. Wait until you're old enough to spell it.

IronicturtleRIANInappropriate much?

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️she is like 9 years old. wtf

IronicturtleRIAN@🌹🌷Beautina🌷🌹 I know wtf this app is messed up and the girl you liked it was like seven and her profile says basic b****

PenPineappleApplePenSocial media does that to people even kids unfortunately😐

Evuhhh_Uhm WTF is wrong with this generation?!😂 I'm seriously gonna pray for these children. *Dumps bucket of Holy Water all over the Earth and prays for the dirty children to get better*

izzy@Evuhhh_ I agree so much!!

Evuhhh_@TheUglyDuckling smh😂😂😂

Evuhhh_@TheUglyDuckling True that. Ugh this generation😂At least I'm not TOO corrupt...👀🙊