What is your gender ?

2175 votes

752 votes


religionisforsheepI prefer not to say... But I am neither but I am either.

nazilover@dayrep.comI am a paper clip

religionisforsheep@nazilover@dayrep.com hot. When can we fuck?

nazilover@dayrep.com@religionisforsheep paper clips have their own sexual organs

religionisforsheep@nazilover@dayrep.com doesn't mean we can't fuck.

PenPineappleApplePenI'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body

Not Your Average CalvinYou do know there are more than two genders, right? It would be so much better to say "sex" instead... androgyne

religionisforsheep@Nutty Squirrel heyyy, couldn't have said it any better! 😊

MattybabeTwo genders bish....dick and pussy

Not Your Average CalvinMatt, please stop being an attention-seeking man whore...

MattybabeTalkin facts bull

religionisforsheep@Mattybabe so is nutty squirrel you dumb fucking cracker

polmale who love the gril's things but im not gay lol

religionisforsheep@pol wouldn't matter if you were

CalvnKleinMale. However, I do recognize that gender isn't necessarily a dichotomy that boils down exclusively to just male and female

poli just love Taylor Swift and my friends say it's pathetic --'

Not Your Average Calvin@religionisforsheep Thank you!

nazilover@dayrep.comEverybody there is paperclip,male,female,string,and cow but that is all of the genders.

Not Your Average CalvinHey, Communist? Are you confusing gender with stupidity?

religionisforsheep@Nutty Squirrel you're welcome! 😊

nazilover@dayrep.com@Nutty Squirrel I like to be called a dumbass nazi actually, and I am making a serious and joking point.

Ethan@Nutty Squirrel The Nazis weren't communists

Not Your Average CalvinSorry. History was never my strong suit. I'll be quiet now.

PenPineappleApplePen@pol I love girl things😍

pol@HypnoticCat and you are a girl ?

religionisforsheep@pol no. He is a creepy pedo who likes to smell and wear underage girls underwear.

PenPineappleApplePen@religionisforsheep Why are you always so angry? Are you that fucking ugly because you cant get any dick? See your parents raised you teal good. You gonna grow up to be one of them self loathing crack whore low life that your parents are..

Mattybabe@HypnoticCat cuz he wants attention

religionisforsheep@HypnoticCat Assumptions is all you can make, lol You can assume what you'd like to, but I know I am a hot af and that's all thf matter 😊

religionisforsheep@Mattybabe I am not a guy, you fucking fugly cracker.

PenPineappleApplePen@religionisforsheep Somebody lied to your ugly ass😂😂😂

Alicia.I'm French and I LOVE fuck.

PenPineappleApplePen@Mattybabe Yup

religionisforsheep@HypnoticCat I bet you never got your dick wet in some pussy so shut up. You creepy as pedo.

PenPineappleApplePen@religionisforsheep I had more pussy than you'll ever get dick & what pedo would want your ugly ass imbred crack whore🖕🏼😂

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑some people are nonbinary so they aren't men or women, just people

religionisforsheep@HypnoticCat the only pussy you could get is a stray cat. Also I know your inbox is full of messages to little kids asking for nudes. Hope you get your ass beat like Jared, you sick fuck.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑Oh goodness do I see transphobic comments here? Anyone who does not believe being transgender is genetic and most certainly real needs to educate themselves on the matter in order to prevent insulting and emotionally damaging individuals who are undeserving of that treatment. If you do not even try to do so, you clearly don't care about others' mental health and should reevaluate your values.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑actually in my genetics class today we watched a video on transgender people who transitioned successfully and are happy and got married and it was adorable

Ethan@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 Hey you're back! And I see you've met our new friend


religionisforsheep@Ethan I am not new. I've been on this app forever.

nazilover@dayrep.comThis is fun

nazilover@dayrep.com@religionisforsheepthis has blown up with comments since yesterday

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Ethan Heyy! How's it goin?

religionisforsheep@nazilover@dayrep.com this is a pretty small app. Anyone can "blow up".

nazilover@dayrep.com@religionisforsheep yeah I guess be better if it was bigger

CalvnKlein@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑, Hey! Glad to see you again! 😃 I missed your intelligent comments ;)


nazilover@dayrep.com@Awesome😟you're not a paper clip ahhh shoot

🌹Impérial🌹Girl 💁🏼

Mattybabe@⚡️Impérial⚡️ damn😍

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@CalvnKlein I guess I missed this aha thanks

PenPineappleApplePen@religionisforsheep Nah not my cup tea I prefer women not some stupid little girl like you that talks about dick like you know what to do with it😂

JenniferI don't think that it's fair to say that there are only.two

HāwkeyeThere're a lot of more genders than "male" and "female" 😐

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I love how much more understanding people are getting about this kind of stuff, it's great. Like when I first got on this app, nobody ever talked about trans people or acknowledged their existence, but here we're all getting together and talking about it

Nature Lover (GTH)What the hell? How'd this question get so many likes, votes, and comments? xD


Serpentine@No!😑 Lmao

PenPineappleApplePen@ Two-Tone 🤔 😋

MylifeasBrynnI'm not saying anything... I don't you you are so I'm not going to tell you my gender!


nazilover@dayrep.coma jigaboo

AnonymousToAnExtentThere are two genders. Male and female. Why is this so confusing?

AnonymousToAnExtentAnd the occasional medical disaster where people are both or neither. But for the most part, there are only two. For anyone saying there are multiple... You are delusional.


AnonymousToAnExtentLet's wait a few hours for the butt hurts to attack.

Not Your Average CalvinChicky...? I'm a part of that "multiple gender" thing...😕

AnonymousToAnExtentMedical condition or did you choose to identify as something that doesn't actually exist?

Not Your Average Calvinummm.. you know me... I didn't choose but you know I have always identified as an androgyne or guy on here...


AnonymousToAnExtentYou know what sucks? Having to scurry around in 2016 trying not to offend somebody. Now it has become a sin to create a poll asking whether you are a male or female. Now it is a wound to the heart to refer to someone who looks male or female or sounds like a male or a female by sir or ma'am. Stop making things so god damn complicated. You are a dude or a chick. If you were born a male and have a sex change and look like a female, so be it. You are now referred to as a female. There should be no other titles.

AnonymousToAnExtentScientifically, you don't get to choose. Socially, you do. Your decision to refer to yourself as whatever has no affect on me in the long run. It's not going to make me lose sleep at night. But my opinion (low and behold, we have those!) is totally against all these new and made up titles. Like wtf being being both genders? Really? Oh man.

PenPineappleApplePenI noticed you can now write a lot of stuff on here now before everything wouldnt even show up😃👍🏼

Not Your Average Calvinummm.. Notorious, I don't say I'm a female and I'm not saying it's a sin at all. I was merely saying you know me and who I am. 'Nuf said. I'm glad you're back and peace out.

AnonymousToAnExtentI didn't say you said any of that lol I just think it's a load of rubbish how there are so many "genders" nowadays. I just don't understand it.

AnonymousToAnExtentBut like I said, it really doesn't affect me nor is it any of my business. But since we are on the topic... Also, thanks for welcoming me back. It's been far too long. Has anything actually happened since I left? Has it been more peaceful? I'm excited to start lighting some trigger flames. I've learned a lot from my absence.

Not Your Average CalvinOh! My bad. I do kind of agree with you there. Everyone keeps "coming out" when plenty of them seem confused or are just trying to fit in since this is "in" right now. Genderfluidity does exist but so many people are apparently that.

AnonymousToAnExtentEh. It's interesting, nonetheless.

Serpentine@ThatOneGuy Niiiice! Now I can finally rant nonstop without gettin' all worked up!

Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent Hey hey hey, I'd say I have to agree. Everything is now apparently labeled "offensive" one way or another. Gets pretty annoying, especially if you're a huge conservative like me.

Not Your Average Calvin@AnonymousToAnExtent Oops. Just saw your comment now. I have no idea. I don't pay any attention and have been gone for five months myself. Apparently Cassie left and Mandi is finally cool though.

AnonymousToAnExtentHmmm cassie.... Cassie..... Sounds very familiar. I just don't remember who that was. But I do know Mandi. She was snake #2 for quite some time lol

Not Your Average CalvinCassieQueen. The main lady who created all that drama and kept harassing me constantly and nobody liked. And why the heck would she choose that?

AnonymousToAnExtentOH when you added the Queen... Ok ok. I guess that's good now?

AnonymousToAnExtentDid she leave on bad terms?

Not Your Average CalvinI honestly have no idea. D_lann had to tell me. Hopefully that's what happened.

CalvnKleinAnonymous, I think you are confusing a person's biological sex with gender, which are different concepts. While a person's sex does fall into either male or female (or intersex in rare cases), a person's gender identity does not necessarily fall within the binary of male/female. There are other gender identities, such as bigender, gender neutral, androgynous, etc...

CalvnKleinAnd btw, welcome back. It's good to hear from you :D I was gone for months too and came back relatively recently

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Not Your Average Calvin Don't call a trans person a man lady that is disgusting

PenPineappleApplePenI'm a fluffy pineapple😋

Not Your Average CalvinWhat? When did I ever say that, Miranda? I am trans* and only say they have the body of whatever since it's true. The brain's gender identity is different than the body's and I'm no moronic butthole...

CléopâtreI've got a big d.

CalvnKleinI think Miranda accidentally read "man" lady where you put "main" lady when describing CassieQueen to Anonymous. Lol ;)

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@CalvnKlein ahahaha whoops my bad

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Not Your Average Calvin sorry 😁

AnonymousToAnExtentI'm perfectly aware of the whole gender identity nonsense. It's confusing as fuck. But it ain't my business. 😗 I'm gonna stay off of that. Because people will not like what I have to say. People are far too sensitive. And that's why we have safe spaces.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it nonsense. And no one is saying "fuck you for not including the other genders you bigoted piece of shit" to the person who wrote this question, we just want to kindly inform them that there's more than 2 genders, so I don't understand the frustration around this.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑There's nothing wrong with wanting to be inclusive of everyone instead of pretending like certain people don't exist, and there's nothing wrong with educating others.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑And it's not being too sensitive to get upset about people disregarding your identity. Sure, it seems small to us, but when you're constantly reminded multiple times every day by the way people phrase things/act around you/etc. that people look down on you, forget you exist, or tell you you're faking it when it's really them who just don't understand and don't notice the little things they do that really hit you where it hurts, you're going to get very frustrated and eventually blow up, sometimes over little things like this. So please do not get upset over people who are trans if they do get really upset over things that may seem insignificant to you, because to them it's the last drop of water that finally causes the dam to break. In other words, if a trans person does say "fuck you for not including the other genders...", try to be understanding of them instead of making them more upset because everyone's emotions are valid and they are made uncomfortable (and often worse) by others almost every moment of every day of their lives.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑Instead of blaming others for being rightfully upset, watch the way you word things and try to make life easier for those who have it the worst. If it isn't that big of a deal to you and it is to them, change what you say because you don't care and you (should) want them to be happy.

Not Your Average Calvin😨 Thank you, Miranda! That was worded even better than I could have ever imagined!

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Not Your Average Calvin Aww thanks ☺ aha no problem!

AnonymousToAnExtentAh but... I don't care about others feelings. So oh well.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@AnonymousToAnExtent Okay? Well that makes you a terrible person and the fact that you're okay with that isn't edgy or cool or something that doesn't matter. You're the one who needs a smack in the face, not America.

X.CI'm a female

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@AnonymousToAnExtent Well...maybe America too ahaha

AnonymousToAnExtentI genuinely don't care if I offend people. We've established this. And your long and elaborate speeches aren't going to change my opinion. I don't hate transgender people. I don't hate gay or lesbian or bisexual or all 387392 other new genders and identities out there. But what I do hate is overly sensitive social justice warriors are bite your jugular if you have a different opinion. Get over it.

AnonymousToAnExtentOh and just to rile you up because I know how passionate you are on the subject... ;) And everyone else here who is a crazy Trans advocate 😘 25% of trannys are schizophrenic. That's so much higher than the rest of the population. Almost all of them suffer from 1 or more of 15 distinct disssociative disorders. And they often go back to being unhappy with their gender 8 years of less after switching. They have psychological issues. And their issues are now being ignored in favor of "acceptance" and "tolerance". I saw an interview on Louder With Crowder with an ex-tranny who actually spent much of his life helping people with gender identity issues cope with them and overcome their mental disorder https://youtu.be/v7NYWd7p-zE

AnonymousToAnExtentBut like I said, I don't have a problem with anybody who wants to be whatever. It's just fun to talk about. 😇

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@AnonymousToAnExtent And there goes my attempt not to have the last word for once lmao So okay but like...why is having mental disorders now an insult? If anything people should be kinder to and more understanding of trans people because of this? Don't talk trash on people with mental health issues, that's fucked up. Especially when a lot of their mental health issues are caused by the way society treats and views them and you are contributing to that (and apparently you're contributing to stigmas about mental health also so that's fantastic).

Not Your Average CalvinAnd so many people are using autism as an insult. But whatever Notorious said, I don't know but thinking you are a different gender than what society believes doesn't make you mentally ill. It makes you human. Those with real mental problems rarely believe they are anything but the gender they actually are (aside from maybe some kind of other animal). Chicky, you may seem to be a genius sometimes but you have so much about this to learn and it makes me feel bad for you. If you say this to the right people, they are going to make sure you get your ass handed to you and I don't want that happening.

Not Your Average CalvinPlease try to at least understand what people are saying...

AnonymousToAnExtentDo you guys actually do any research on this subject?

AnonymousToAnExtentAnd did you even watch the video? There's a psychologist who was once transgender and cut his Willy wonker off trying to help people and figure out what triggered them to become transgender? Or want to be transgender because you can't actually change your sex. It's not just about your feelings. Nothing is just about your feelings. There's science behind all of these things. But nobody likes to listen because it hurts.

Not Your Average CalvinI do quite often since it's a fascination of mine and most likely always will be. Both on mental illnesses and LGBT things.

AnonymousToAnExtentYou guys are so quick to jump on somebody just because they throw facts at you. Like the good 'ol leftists you are. I never said people with mental health issues are fucking psychos who need to be executed. I have a friend with schizophrenia. I never once said that I would never sit down to have a cup of coffee with a transgender person. I won't throw a transgender person out of my restaurant for identifying as however they want. Wtf are you guys going on about?

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I'm literally doing a project on transgender studies for my ap psychology class lmao There's a new theory that while you're in the womb you get flooded with hormones, and trans people get flooded with those hormones twice. There's brain studies on transgender people showing that their brains more closely resemble those of their identity than of their biological sex (males and females have slightly differently proportioned brain structures).

AnonymousToAnExtentThen you should be well aware of what I'm saying. It's not an evil thing to be transgender. But it is pretty amusing to see people lose their shit over it when you say something they don't like or agree with. Like most transgender people are mentally ill. It's not natural to want to change your sex. And most people observed by this psychologist who was a transgender for 5 years flat all can identify what caused their wanting to change.

Not Your Average CalvinWhat? Are you serious, Miranda? There is actually scientific evidence we exist? So people may one day fully approve?

AnonymousToAnExtentWhich leads me to the biggest debate in the history of 2016. I don't like the idea of same sex bathrooms. Like stalls next to stalls. Urinals next to stalls. And I don't like the idea of transgender people taking part in the olympics as whatever they identify as. Can't wait to get the load of shit thrown at me here. "You're close minded, we should all be equal, it's not fair, they are treated unfairly, you're an intolerant and insensitive dickwad, and other nonsense."

AnonymousToAnExtentShow me your sources. And it has to do a shit ton with your environment as well. Obviously.

AnonymousToAnExtentAnd that sounds like a load of fun to be learning. I'm taking AP psychology next year. I think how humans work is interesting and sometimes even complicated. Also, Not your avg. Calvin, nobody said you don't exist. Wtf? You're just spewing offended feels at this point. Lol

Not Your Average CalvinWhat? No I'm not. I meant non-binary and transgender people, not me specifically and that was a question for in general, not with this conversation aka what you are talking about. You have no idea how many people discredit my gender or say it is possible for people to not be only female or male from birth but I'm not one of them because of stuff 😝

AnonymousToAnExtentI am so confused by what you just said. 😗

AnonymousToAnExtentI wonder how much Miranda is writing. She hasn't responded for a few minutes. 😂

Not Your Average CalvinI was just asking Miranda if there really is real evidence not everyone is a man or woman. People talk shit about this all the time. I am done arguing with your opinions so yeah 😜

AnonymousToAnExtentYou never had to respond. Again, not saying I dislike the LGBT community. But I hear so much about it alllllll the time. Might as well talk about it. ;)

Not Your Average CalvinTrue but when someone says I'm offended when I'm not or they are majorly wrong about me, I must state my two cents. You're perfectly fine. I only have a problem with what you said earlier but it's been cleared up and we moved on. But you are correct. Breasts are nice, ey? 😉




👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I'm not going to rant about the bathroom thing. I'm not going to rant about the bathroom thing. Breath in. Breath out. I've written enough novels today.

Not Your Average CalvinChicky, you are getting too into this even though I love it. She was only saying she doesn't understand, not she needs to know absolutely everything 😋

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Not Your Average Calvin Ahaha I know you're right love arguing its kinda bad


AnonymousToAnExtentI'll read, I promise. Just not right now.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjGv6exoKkw https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ov-ocQpQtrw I'm trash and I had to say it lmao but I mean I figured this would be easier than a book

PenPineappleApplePenStrawberry Lemonade🍓🍋

EthanNot reading all of that

CalvnKleinAnonymous, I can't even begin to describe how wrong you are in terms of offensive commentary and mindset, as well as outright complete misinformation. If I didn't "know" you better, I would totally describe you as an absolute TROLL right now. I can't go into much detail nitpicking all your comments due to lack of time, but in general, I get the overwhelming sense that you really need to become much more informed before you go on offensive rants about things that you don't understand. If you don't know about transgender individuals, that is no reason to dismiss them completely as insignificant or worthless or crazy. I am disappointed that this stance and these comments are coming from you, someone whom I regarded as a person that prided herself in informing others on this app rather than spreading misinformation. There are two things, however, that I do want to comment on: One, please, if it does not make any difference to you (and even if it does), refrain yourself from referring to transgender individuals as "trannies". That is an incredibly offensive term to the transgender community. And two, I can guarantee you that what you said about 25% of transgenders being schizophrenic is completely inaccurate. They do have a higher incidence of schizophrenia than the general population, but nowhere near the statistic that you wrote. And yes, many suffer from mental disorders like Depression, mostly due to societal pressures and external insults rather than an innate anomalous psyche. If anything, that should make our society want to protect and help the transgender population rather than further denigrate them. I can go on, but I think I've already written too much as it is, and I have to go. Please consider performing a serious introspection about your attitudes as you continue to grow and mature.

CalvnKlein(Continued from above, since it cut off)....general population, but nowhere near the statistic that you wrote. And yes, many suffer from mental disorders like Depression, mostly due to societal pressures and external insults rather than an innate anomalous psyche. If anything, that should make our society want to protect and help the transgender population rather than further denigrate them. I can go on, but I think I've already written too much as it is, and I have to go. Please consider performing a serious introspection about your attitudes as you continue to grow and mature.

PenPineappleApplePenMilk milk lemonade around the corner fudge is made

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@CalvnKlein 👏

Serpentine@CatTango Dude what are you even saying anymore 😂

SerpentineCassieQueen was awful. 😒

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️I'm 100% woman

🐷Gunnar🐺I am a potato

EthanI identify as an Apache helicopter

Nature Lover (GTH)And I'm a fucking cactus. Female cacti are always the more prickly ones

_______Gender fluid

CaptainObliviousMale humanoid


SamSamCorps : féminin Comportement : masculin


JustMeTheres more than two genders.....

PenPineappleApplePenLegoSteve Lego man

NabiluxIts a french app, go away english bitches 🇫🇷

ℳissDior(Rah Mais j'arrête pas de liker sans faire exprès)


💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️100% sexy woman

3A7-5H17-455H0L3meat popsicle

User 2181332i love my baby

$UicideLynxthere's only 2 genders

User 2205050only one vote

Hāwkeye There is more than 2 genders :)

Anonymousgo girls


michealcurrani proudly identify myself as an apache helicopter, if you cannot accept me your a fat ignorant bigot heliphobe and yeah im vegan too! Just so you know i also vape and im proud of myself

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️i want a big cock to suck

DoodooheadMonkeyPolitical correctness sucks ding dong🍆

ElsieHi pls follow me and vote on my post!