Do you believe in Aliens??

I don't know!
1390 votes

3226 votes

1752 votes


Zayn Malik my boy love u yon

Num1LittleMixfan@Louis tomipsom rock I agree


hazNo but I believe in goust

nickystupid people. What do you think? That we are alone in universe?

sophaaaymy besfriend is an alien

nicky@sophaaay you look like you have friend alien ;)

aitai saw one in Spain duh Nothing happened

ebalourdosnot real

Scarlett.TallulahI'm married to one

Julieu am alien geeks get over urself and start doing somthing good on ur lives u nerds😑😟😟😞


AlexisI don't believe in aliens like most people do. I don't think there are little green men flying around in spaceships. I do, however, believe that there are simple bacterial life forms much like what we started out as millions of years ago.