HELP my mom is forcing me to go the library and I hate the Library what should I say

23 votes

57 votes


Dat boi popplio"I don't know how to read."

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑libraries are cool have fun

religionisforsheepYou should thank her you ungrateful little bitch. Take a look at the books. Check one out. Read it. Then repeat the process.

Ms.Popular@religionisforsheep no I'm thankful for everything think I have and i had a bad time the last time I when so I'm pretty sure you don't know my life

Dat boi popplioAre you that person who was punched by some people in a library or was that someone else?

EthanTHE HORROR!!!!!!

religionisforsheep@Fetty wap💋 you can barely write. I really doubt your 17...

religionisforsheep@religionisforsheep *you're

Ethanoh, the irony


Anaipretend to go to the library then sneak out and go someway else

Ms.Popular@religionisforsheep I really doubt you're smart and I was rushing to type duh

MööpÿDøöpÿ@Anai What horrible advice for an impressionable teen. I'm disappointed in you😂

MööpÿDøöpÿEnjoy the library

EllaYou should say " Yeah so you can read a book on freedom to make your own choice "

AinsleycagleLeave me home and really don't care

Taylorjust go and bring you phone and go on Instagram so then you do what she wants and what you want

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯GO! Reading is important. And if you don't like the library (like me) go to the bookstore AKA HEAVEN instead😍😂


EllaI enjoy reading though

PenPineappleApplePendont go😐

eggsGo to the goddamn library. You seem really spoiled, bragging about your "new car," (if you even have one,) and how you're so rich, and how you hate school and the library. Just go away. We have enough annoying people on this app.

eggsAnd your name is ms. Popular.

Ms.PopularLol IKR there is annoying people on this app like you even you're face is annoying ms chocolate death and most people in this app are annoying and I am just going to leave bc this app is stupid dumb and retarted like you so bye 🖕🏻

Ms.Popularlike I didn't see your comment😒

Ms.Popularwhatever loser