If you like a guy and your pretty sure he likes you too you would.......

Other (please comment)
53 votes

Wait patiently for him to ask you out
204 votes

Tell him how you feel and see what he does
174 votes

Get the relationship going and ask him out
104 votes


Highqualitydirtproblem is, he may not ask you out

Avahave a friend ask him out for you.

laughing at u!tell him u like him but dont say it in one shot take it slow and slowly but surely by the end of it he would already know that u like him but don't be to obvious cause that's what happened to me and he found out and it didn't work k hope it works out by

Filipino pridegive him hints and see how he reacts

EvieI agree with @Filipino pride

DylanBe direct and honest if the feelings aren't mutual then you don't have it over you

AlexsfDon't wait. He's probably shy.. You should say: if i hypotetncally ask you out, would say yes? A girl ask me that and i thought it was cute

Len KagamineDont wait. Do something. Do whatever floats your boat... As long as your not flirting by staring at him from a distance

BlueRedDefinitely not the first one

CoriiDo nothing! I've done the same mistake :( wait until your older than your relationship will hold longer ;(

Pandabear4817Flirt and see if he either flirts back or if he or if he notices and smiles

Pandabear4817You need eye contact but not like ur killing him with ur eyes just glance at him and smile then look away

Dat boi popplioNever speak to him again. *You're. 🦄