What is your opinion on #BlackLivesMatter ?

It absolutely should be a thing.
41 votes

It's ridiculous and shouldn't be a thing.
20 votes


AnonymousToAnExtentOh man. Would so love to here people's opinions on this.

SerpentineThis kind of stuff only promotes seperation between races. It still makes it seem like that people who are of different color are truly different in other aspects, which is really aggrivating and false.

AnonymousToAnExtentI think the black lives matter movement is a load of shit. And I don't think it's fair that most people in this movement make white people pay for crimes their ancestors committed. They pull the victims in every situation and blow up the media with how racist cops are and how they are being discriminated against blah fucking blah. But if you look at actual FACTS it is 100% clear they just spread bullshit and hate. I do believe however that in some aspects, black people have it a bit rough. Take a look at all the ghettos. Predominantly black and Hispanic people's committing crimes, forming gangs, soliciting prostitution and selling drugs. They are run down. And the black lives moment is not the way to fix any of those things. In fact, it makes things much worse.

AnonymousToAnExtentAnd NO socialism isn't the way to go about it. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Welfare programs that allow the poor, like blacks, to get money without fucking working. Get the hell out of here. You want to do well in life, make an effort. I'd be cool meeting people half way. Giving out free shit just because we "feel bad" and don't want to be seen as racist is a load of bullshit.

⭐️HannahBaggins⭐️It's literally the stupidest shit to take money from people making a good living and working their asses off just to give it to a bunch of lazy ass adults who deserve nothing for doing nothing

⭐️HannahBaggins⭐️If you want money, get a fucking job amd contribute to society and maybe your problems of being broke and having no money won't be an issue.

AnonymousToAnExtentSeriously, why can't I know you in person and not through a tiny screen? People are so lame in 2016.

⭐️HannahBaggins⭐️Not to mention, the whole economy shits on middle-class people. For example, my home is on the fine line between poor and middle-class. My mom works her fucking ass off, but she gets a horrible paycheck, but since we are still considered middle class, no one bothers to help.... it's different when you are paying for a family of three with a low paying job then one person who is too fucking lazy to get a job.

⭐️HannahBaggins⭐️If the government so desperately wants to give money to the poor, or broke people, it better be people who have a job and at least do the best they can to contribute to society

⭐️HannahBaggins⭐️Sorry for the spam again 😅

ToriAll lives matter

Pandablack lives matter isn't about blacks pulling the victim card and blaming whites for everything that happen to them. That's a different group of people you guys are talking about. If you think black lives matter is about those things then you think MLK Jr, Malcolm X, and the black panthers are about that as well. Black lives matter is about how blacks are discriminated upon. By everyone. Of course most of which are going to be white. But the group isn't just about blacks but all minorities. This group isn't the reason why most black kids are being killed in the streets by police officers for no reason. Then the officers get off with no punishment. Black lives matter isn't against the police but against the justice system for being corrupt.

Panda@Panda btw I'm not a blacks live matter activist