What do you think will happen in this scene?

Psycho only stabs the babysitter to death, baby boy survives
8 votes

Psycho only stabs the baby to death, babysitter survives
3 votes

Babysitter & baby escape from the psycho
10 votes

Psycho stabs both to death & chop them into pieces
13 votes


Ethantrick question: he is actually a statue

Dat boi popplioPsycho steals all the food and locks them in the house so they slowly starve to death. Babysitter eats the baby but ends up getting food poisoning.

Derz@Here come Dat Boi interesting! But posioned by what? The baby meat? Lol

Dat boi popplioYes, babies are filthy creatures

Derz@Here come Dat Boi you are satanic. 👹

Dat boi popplio6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣

Derz@Here come Dat Boi you are the devil.

Dat boi popplioThat's pushing it a bit too far, I am just a mere mortal.