All Lives Matter in response to Black Lives Matter is like going to a breast cancer group and yelling all cancers matter

We know all lives matter but you need to start somewhere specific
10 votes

People have their limits. After that they need change. Let them speak.
1 votes

It makes sense, especially with all the deaths, and how long they've been pushed
7 votes

And these people would like to focus on this group as it pertains to them
4 votes


🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸Seriously? That's not even a comparison. One life should not be valued over another. People are dying and they are making a movement that everyone is valued. They have support for several types of cancer as well. How can you even post this

3A7-5H17-455H0L3Ooh I always thought BLM stood for Bureau of Land Management😮

_______BOTH are fucking retarded. I was very reluctant to side with mandi because we have history but you have turned into such an SJW it's honestly ridiculous. BLM have caused riots and have killed people... ALM? ALM hasn't. They are a terrorist group and they have succeeded and segregated them selves. Don't you keep up with the news?

🐫👑MirandaIsAware👑🐫Love black people ✊🏿 ❤️

alexd19I love ALL people! Not just blacks. Why is that so hard to understand? Why should one race be valued over another. Oh and btw that is a horrible comparison.