I understand that Donald Trump is our new president and some people are unhappy and bitter. Our country is better off.

Comment in agreement
11 votes

I agree
5 votes

I disagree
20 votes

Comment in disagreement
12 votes


🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸In my opinion we are better off this way. If Clinton got into office our country would be chaotic. She is a liar and a felon. Clinton wouldn't change a damn thing in America, when we need change more than anything. I do not like Donald Trump as a person, but I do agree with many of his policies. He wants to make America safe again. He wants to help the working class citizens. He wants to repeal Obamacare. Trump wants to lower taxes. Strengthen the military, and take out ISIS, which threatens the safety of our country. He wants to deport illegal immigrants who lower wages, making it hard for Americans to get jobs or make enough money to support their families.Clinton would make this country a form of hell. I don't agree with 15 dollar minimum wages. She wants to have higher taxes. She wants the illegals to come into the country! Why? Because they will vote for her. The whole system is corrupt and the American people are done with it! That's why I support Trump

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸And just because I support Trump doesn't mean I am a bigot, homophobic, racist, etc. i don't know why people associate those traits with Trump supporters. I don't agree with Clinton on many aspects. Black Lives Matter are destroying their own cities and endangering the lives of people and police around them.Illegal immigrants from Mexico are coming to America to work for cheap labor and making wages lower for Americans. One of my favorite celebrities said they were heartbroken about the results because Donald Trump is a racist, woman hater, and bigot. I would like to speak to that. No one elected Trump because of his flaws and big mouth. He became president because people want change. And not only is Clinton a liar and felon, she will continue the shit show that the country is becoming. Its all about to change. Hopefully for the better.

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️I'm playing with my dildo right now

SkylerI'm sorry I was a jerk before. I realize now that you are a cool and funny person and I hope you can forgive me. If you don't I totally understand.

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️My vibrator needs charging

MaryMclane000@🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸 I didn't want neither presidents to win. I was hoping Clinton won because her husband was a president before and he did a good. Win trump won, I was sad. But I realized not one person can destroy our country. That's what's so amazing about our country.

heyitspoohYeah he is going to make our country so much better I don't care what other people think it's true because all of the stuff he says and does is good but unfortunately some people (Obama) don't know how to run the country 😬😬😬😬

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️How do you confuse Mandi Mae? Put her in a circle and tell her to go to the corner.

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️Mandi Mae was so stupid, she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️Q: What do you do when Mandi Mae throws a grenade at you? A: Pull the pin and throw it back. Q: What do you do when Mandi Mae throws a pin at you? A: Run because she has a grenade in her mouth.

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️How do drown Mandi Mae? Put a scratch-and-sniff at the bottom of a pool.