Do you believe in God/Jesus??

Yes! I love him and read the bible eery day
20 votes

Yes some times. Idk
13 votes

No I don't care about religious things
16 votes

I just follow what my family does I swear only around my friends,Idc
7 votes


🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸Yes I do. But not everyone who believes in God reads the Bible every day. That's a bit much.

(13)(Hannah)(13)@🐘Miss_Mandi_Mae🐘 oh sorry first thing popped that in my head

3A7-5H17-455H0L3I believe in Santa Claus

(13)(Hannah)(13)@3A7-5H17-455H0L3 cool

GiaI'm not sure. But I'm not saying god isn't real

(13)(Hannah)(13)@Gia yeah exactly! Thanks for commenting!

(13)(Hannah)(13)His name is God not god