What can bring peace in this world?

300 votes

2569 votes

909 votes




Monkeyface92if we all just started doing each other, we wouldn't have time to wage any wars! XDDD

jamilamonkeyfacw92 some of us are only 9

Eden @jamila if ur 9 u shouldn't be on this there's in appropriate stuff

Duffy Boo@Eden I agree

Duffy Boo@Eden I agree

carlyweirSex will bring peace 2 the world is what I think XD

That Random GirlHow can war bring peace to the world?

joemonkeyface92 I agree

Ashleigh WilliamsI'm it doesn't matter what age jamila you can stay on here as long as u wan alright xxxx

cheesyme123How would war bring peace

🎩Banter🎩By killing everyone who fights u would, in theory, create peace