What is this oily thing in my hair? Sometimes it's white... sometimes it's yellow. I scratch it off and I have a lot!

Comment, I know what it is.
22 votes

Idk, sorry.
33 votes


lauraIt's disgusting, and ik it's not dandruff. I did some research on it... and it might be sebum. But if you think it's something else, please comment down below. Also, what can I do to get rid of it?

$UicideLynxIdk dead skin or something

3A7-5H17-455H0L3Asians have oily skin that is why its hard to distinguish their age because the oils in the skin keeps them looking young

ToastIt might just be an oily scalp. I think you should ask a professional like a doctor..

Savage_ClaiReit could be dandruff

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️dried cum?