What do you think of kids dating and wearing make up?

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70 votes

27 votes


Dat boi popplioIt's stupid

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸If you are under the age of 12 you don't need to wear makeup. Maybe a little older. And if you are under the age of 16 you don't need to date. It's pointless and most of the time it is Jena at because these kids think that dating is cool. It's not when you don't plan to stay with the person.

Ethan2.0Yeah, fuck Jena!

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️who the fuck is Jena?

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸It was supposed to say just but it autocorrected to Jena at for some reason.

Mymsiit's kinda annoying when 11 year olds date but you can do what you wanna do.

MööpÿDööpÿDööAt my school people who wear makeup are considered desperate and uncool but kids who date are the coolest of the cool. I think that's pretty messed up. You should only date someone if you really like them and plan on being with them for a while, and if that is at the age of 11 or 12, so be it.

CreativelyInsaneJoshlerFanatic If you're younger than 14, I personally don't think you should be dating because you can't enjoy the relationship because you can't understand how you truly feel.

Cosmodating is good, how else are you supposed to learn and develop socially if you don't have some introduction. Nothing serious, just an intro to let yourself have some fun with friends and others that mean the most to you!

TaylorI honestly don't care it's their life not mine they can live it how they want to

Adam LeonTOO YOUNG ( if it's just for playing ok but something else NO)

KaitlynDepends on the age tbh

Lélekdepends on the age