Just wanna let all you young girls know YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Don't let society tell you what's pretty and what's not!!!

Everyone is beautiful!!
62 votes

I am beautiful!!
38 votes

Comment positive things ;)
22 votes

114 votes


MööpÿDööpÿDööPREACH! Some jerk called my friend fat today. She's really sensitive about her weight because my school if full of twigs. She's been beating up in herself ever since.😔

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️I am beautiful. no doubt. anybody who disagree are just jealous or have eye problems.

ToastI think it's sexist to say "young girls". Boys' trust and beauty issues are real too.

Babby The ChihuahuaOne time, somebody called me ugly even though I'm beautiful, and that hurt my feelings. This happened in school.