Can someone explain to me why a few guys will actively pursue me when I'm dating someone but never when I'm single?

40 votes

I have no clue
149 votes


MymsiYou get confidence from dating and people are attracted to people who are confident

JustABandKidI'm not confident either way though

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️because the guy you're dating takes care of you thus making you prettier

JustABandKid@Mymsi no it's just that my boyfriend tries to make me be confident but I never have been confident and I don't think I ever will be

KaitlynI can relate to you 100% and for me it's because when I have a boyfriend I act myself where when I'm single I act how guys want me to.

JustABandKidI act the same no matter what though

JustABandKidI feel like it's a guy thing

KaitlynGuys are just weird, haha


CosmoPeople are weird. I'm the opposite way, where girls want me when I am not single but once I turn single and they get the chance they give up. So it beats me, but I try my hardest as a guy once I like a girl so I can't answer your question, but can relate! Just put forward effort and a guy will fall for you, we love effort

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️Lots of guys pursue me but after learning that it turns me on when they play hard to get, they start playing hard to get then my pussy drools like crazy

Samantha SotoThey want what they can't have.

LilaI love once upon a Time #captainswan

Devin WahlProbably because most guys are dicks and don't want be seen with "that girl" even though most girls that are single are more sweet and beautiful then u can ever imagine possible

BeautyandtheBrainsBecause guys don't want to say anything until u r already taken
