Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?

Yeah, I have some pets. Comment.
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30 votes


AubreyI have a dog. His name is Chewy. He is on my profile picture with a dog toy.

Samantha SotoI have a dog Cody, a cat baby, another cat Cassie, a hamster snickerdoodle, and last another hamster CoCo. Cassie is my favorite. I love them all.

EmilySugar is my dog, she's a beagle. Kanga is my cat, she's a calico. Finnly is my fish, she's a baita. Hugs and kisses are my two robo dwarf hamsters


JuliaI have two dogs one is cookie one is kiki🐕🐕

IsaleiI have one dog, a girl and her name is Jessie, she is SOOOO CUTE 🐶🐶

sissi2 Cats Cosmos & Oscar !

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