Do you know how to use chopsticks?

Yes! I have my own at home too!
129 votes

No, nope. I prefer it to not take 3 hours to eat my food.
205 votes

Sure! I ask for them at the Chinese buffet, but use a spoon for my fried rice.
89 votes

If they have a rubber band on them (like for kids)
45 votes


ToastI love chopsticks and yeah I have my own and use them.

Courtney A. Lutzme too :) Using them helps you eat slower, I have a friend that uses them for weight management, so he knows he's full before he eats too much :)

johndefinitely use the spoon for the rice

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️that's a good idea to keep my weight down