Do you have a fanfiction acc? felyD is mine & I have maze runner, avengers, hunger games, Spider-Man &+ stories.

Yep! (Comment acc and website)
15 votes

Nope. Don't even read online like that.
23 votes

No acc but I read and I might check out your stories!
13 votes

Yeah. Not on it often, though.
7 votes


Ethan2.0Have you ever made fan fiction about the hulk?

felyD@Ethan2.0 Not at the moment, no. Would you like a hulk fanfic?

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️i want a fancfic story about thor, aquaman, and beautina inside a hotel room in vegas

felyD@Ethan2.0 I'm sure there is ones out there, not gonna lie.

felyD@💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️ Same thing to Ethan.

felyD@Ethan2.0 I would guess that I don't really care. But if it matters that much to you, then ask yourself the same question and answer it yourself.

felyD@Ethan2.0 I never said you do, or have to. I just don't have an opinion on that question because I don't care for it.

💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️Hulk blasted his cum inside Black Widow's pussy. I forgot which movie