Do you guys think I'm gross that I'm head over heels for my best friend that's a girl but she is pansexual and so am I

Ew go away pp like u should go 👎
22 votes

Yes it's super gross 💩
46 votes

It's how you feel😋
138 votes

No/ because I feel the same way😊
32 votes


Greciawhy would you

Łûçkįęśt Gįrł @Grecia. Y would I what hypocrite

GreciaI'm sorry that was my sister I didn't know she was on it cause I was at castle n coaster and then I stayed at my aunts house but my sister didn't go im more nicer than her

Łûçkįęśt Gįrł @Grecia. Oh

Greciaso it's ok cause

Megan Smith@Łûçkįęśt Gįrł @Grecia what's pansexual?

Greciai think that mean when a girl acts like a guy

Brysonyou sicken me

Łûçkįęśt Gįrł @Grecia. Lmfao no it means when a girl or guy dates who ever like a guy or girl and as long as they both love each other for who they are their okay


Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xX@Łûçkįęśt Gįrł I'm pan sexual :)

Łûçkįęśt Gįrł @XxMCRmy310xX. Great more people like us need to just be free instead of being in hiding because ass holes

Greciadon't boys like you

Łûçkįęśt Gįrł @Grecia. Lol two if them now do no three yes t

Mahomie4life@Łûçkįęśt Gįrł does your friend know? is pansexual do u mean lesbian

Aubri❌Atrocity What are you guys, like 12? Do you even know what the hell pansexual means? I swear, the ideas these kids get in their heads these days searching for acceptance. not googleing any terms i hread on this app again

Not Your Average Calvin@... That's when you are capable of liking anyone no matter the gender or appearance