What is Lillie's last name

9 votes

Potter duh
163 votes

133 votes

28 votes


M_Hassenhaha it's Lily*

benglen21@M_Hassen well sorry about that, I read them a while ago and forgot.

M_Hassen@benglen21 haha it's ok :)

benglen21@M_Hassen thank you, I can't believe how many idiots are actually saying potter

Shai Elroy@benglen21 the question is not formatted correctly - it should be what is her maiden name. Her last name, after marriage is, I believe, potter.

M_Hassen@benglen21 hahaha, yea

benglen21@Shai Elroy actually it is a trick question. I intended for it to be vague to see who knew the facts.

Shelbybefore or after she gets married?

Shai Elroy@benglen21 that may be true, but then you don't have the right to call them idiots for answering potter, because it is a legitimate answer.

benglen21@Shai Elroy the answer potter duh implies that it is wrong because of the duh that I put after potter, anyone who actually knows it is Evans should realize it and know it is incorrect.

Meatball453Well you didn't specify if it was before or after she got married. You also didn't specify if it was Harry's daughter or his mother.

caro111i didnt take potter nor evans, because her name is lily...;)

BIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!❤️⚡️💚👑😃😍😘Lily Evans put since she married James it's Potter now

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)Liverlilly or Lovelever😂

Jessica this is dumb. You weren't specific to whether it not it was Harry's mother or daughter. And you misspelt her name, so you can't be too picky about her name, could you?

Half-Blood Princesstechnically it was Evans but then it became potter!!! So it's a trick question


Emily brown@BIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!❤️⚡️💚👑😃😍😘 is right u must tell us when

Emily brown@Jessica is correct too