Whos the most beautiful "Desperate Housewife"

13 votes

463 votes

62 votes

73 votes


Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara i don't know them

GlittergirlThey are from Desperate Housewifes :-)))

Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara @Glittergirl I know I don't watch the show!

GlittergirlHaha but you can say which One is the prettiest

Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara @Glittergirl oh yea I think the 3 one

Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara i don't know them

GlittergirlThey are from Desperate Housewifes :-)))

Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara @Glittergirl I know I don't watch the show!

GlittergirlHaha but you can say which One is the prettiest

Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara @Glittergirl oh yea I think the 3 one

Smileey.x3Desperate Housewifes*____*

MargaeryTyrelli Love they😘😘😘

ΨEva 😍