Have ducks in the bath with you

395 votes

195 votes

2716 votes

619 votes


emmi love ducks

LalaI'm not 5 years old!!

Jemmie Duckys!!!

BethanyLwhat is the function of a rubber duck ? - Arthur weasley

BethanyLwhat is the function of a rubber duck ? - Arthur weasley

Leah Hannay @Lala there still cute I love having them in the bath

Leah Hannay and I'm 10


Leah Hannay @DJ123you don't like having them in the bath

it's all about me isabellica your so babyish I meen ducks in a bath get a life

Leah Hannay @Ciara u are wrong their sooooo cute

joei have alive ducks in the bath, I like to chop them up and eat them for tea

Maddieducks r a bit babyish but they are cute

Eden Spencerduckys are epic full stop

Eden Spencerduckys are epic full stop

issyI'm not a 2year old JOKES I love them

Millie 👌@It's all about me they are cute