Do you believe in the Death Penalty?

Absolutely, for violent crimesπŸ”Œ
83 votes

Yes πŸ”«πŸ’‰
394 votes

Only under extreme circumstances
257 votes

491 votes


JasmineNot at all and to be honest is quite hypocritical

fuckoffi believe in it somewhat but i prefer an eye for an eye sorta punishment

Chloe πŸŽ€πŸ’œβœŒπŸ˜‹like the bombers on Boston

Chloe πŸŽ€πŸ’œβœŒπŸ˜‹that's probably not a good thing to say

πŸ’šπŸ‘—βœŒJadeβœŒπŸ‘—πŸ’šThe death penalty should be used for murder and stuff like that

guyplease tell me you clicked the wrong button

Taracei didn't

Prufrocki say only if the person is a danger to the public if he's alive. Since we have all this high tech stuff to keep them contained, there really should be no need for it

Pink cupcake02only if you go to hell

BVB_loveri believe in an eye for an eye so not necessarily death penalty