Are you ashamed of who you are because someone you know is against gays?

66 votes

Yes my best friends are against it
10 votes

Yes my family is against it
43 votes

226 votes


sidney_stylinsonI'm not gay but my friend is and I support her but my other friends hate gays and I just want to hit them sometimes cause gay people didn't do anything wrong to them so why be mean

DahvieMonroe_TeamGrimmeh.@sidney_stylinson I know! People suck.

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xXI'm not ashamed to be bi even though my dad and brother is against it

fangthecoyoteFUCK BIGOTS.

Sarah My grandma is homophobic but she loves me anyways.

familiar1I am still unsure,but my family on my mom's side would be ok with it but my dad's side...hell no. My brothers and dad are really against gays but a lot of the people I know are bisexual or gay I just wish more people would be open to the idea.😔

familiar1@Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xX that's awesome!

Jeff Sucks to have Mormon parents