Are you a tomboy or a Girly girl?

Girly girl
75 votes

79 votes


Erinkacyktis pretty

πŸŽ€βš“πŸ’–πŸ’‹βœ¨I'm a Tom boy but I can be a girly girl sometimes!

BetsyTotal tomboy....jk

User 146797Most peeps said tomboy, WAT! (See wat I did there, Easters coming up so I said peeps, haha)

Mrs.tomlinson@Peace love gymnastics yeah same

Serenity<3I'm between. I dress all girly and stuff like that. But I help on our farm and go four wheeling



SarahπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ˆπŸ¦„I'm in the middle leaning slightly towards girly girl

β€οΈπŸ€βšΎοΈapersonβšΎοΈπŸ€β€οΈyes and no it depends

_.Sofia._I'm in the middle