Which girl do you prefer

Black hairs emo
37 votes

Blonde young
233 votes

Ginger hair ugly
15 votes

Red hair sensitive
77 votes


Amy xxxNot all gingers are ugly

Sam Spenceri know most are beautiful just I'm not a fan of then

Lily-Brooklynerrr why doesn't it have a brunette option

Cheechfurey @JoJo exactly

RyanISbeast@JoJo I agree needs a brunette option

Shannon Horanxoxo1DU calling me ugly coz I'm ginger, we can't help the way our hair is, so you can't just not be a fan of them because of their hair colour. Catch a grip of your self. Your actually bulling gingers some take it really bad ffs.

🎩Banter🎩Yeah i mean, its not the gingers fault they have no soul

🎩Banter🎩ahaha im just joking gingers are actually ok. They make great pets

🎩Banter🎩hey whats the difference between a ginger and a brick? A brick gets laid 😂😂