Have you had sex with a best friend?

We only dated.
147 votes

Don't do it!! (comment)
155 votes

458 votes

741 votes


VictoryBad idea in my situation. It ruined a great friendship.

Winvery bad idea : you lose on two fronts

Victory@win Agreed!!

Persbad idea

Sean vandiverOmg it is the best kind it was awesome

Victory@Sean vandiver So it does work out sometimes ;)

Alondra PerezMy best friend is my boyfriend. And we've been together for 2 years. It can work out.

Victory@Alondra That is awesome! It always makes me really happy to hear things like that :) You are so lucky, although I'm sure you already know ;)

Alondra Perez@Victory aw thanks so much!! I really do feel very lucky. And it's crazy because he's my childhood crush (since i was 8) and my first love. And now I'm 18 and he's still the one. I'm sorry it ruined your friendship ):

EntrezVotreNomOne of my best friend became my boyfriend. We have broken up yet, but we're still good friends 😊

EntrezVotreNomOne of my best friend became my boyfriend. We have broken up yet, but we're still good friends 😊

Demi stylesI'm 18 and pregg but we met I'm high school through a friend

nugget_baby@Alondra Perez same deal


RachelOops press rong buttun I pick no and that's sick

Talons girli have a HUGE crush on my BFF (who is a boy and I'm a girl) and I think he likes me too!!!! ;)

Claudia@Talons girl Oh shit girl

Robisn't that what friends are for?

AliyanI ducked the shit out of a bartender

JakeMy best friend is my friend with benefits