What do men prefer in a female sexual partner?

The female to demand sex from him.
499 votes

The female to resist sex and the give in willingly.
485 votes



Mrs. Horan@Victory some people r jut creeps

Victoryhaha I don't think it is creepy, I think it is more about biological programming. Interesting to hear any thoughts on this though!!

Thomas Sum guys,(like me) aren't creeps

Victory@Thomas haha, I could see it being just as creepy for the female to "demand" sex if you look at it another way! ;)

Thomas @Victory yeah tru.

Drak attack i love it if a girl demanded sex, the fact that she wanted me right then and there is amazing, it's hot, not creepy

bleepboth is good ! Mix it up

AJsuedei think its the thrill of the chase.

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. both of these sound pretty bad. The first on sounds like rape and the second one sounds like ages stomping the dudes nuts. Every guys just reached for his ball right now