How do spell Zayn name ?

354 votes

2 votes

I don't know how to spell it /who is he
6 votes

108 votes


JordiHis real name is Zain he thought Zayn looks better on paper

Dejia he legally changed zain to zayn because he liked zayn better

BVB_loverhis real name is zain but he like zayn better

lexizain real legally changed it to Zayn so kinda both but legally Zayn so Zayn

Mrs. Louis Tomlinson ❤🇬🇧❤🇬🇧❤Real name spelled zain new name spelled zayn

SophieHis real name us zain, he just prefers it spelt zayn so most of you were wrong..



CaramelBlueHis real name is Zain

AtheerHis real name was zain but he changed it to zayn cuz he liked it better

Shelby your gave it away