Which theory do you believe?

The Big Bang
1291 votes

God created the world
856 votes

Not Sure
935 votes


ChelseaGod created the world!!!

Jakethat's right

MissMeRobinsonno he didn't we have prove of the big bang we don't have prove of god :)

emm@meganloves mychem I agree

Jake@meganloves mychem that's so stupid to say tht

Monkeyface92It all started with a big bang. It happened in our parents' bedroom!

Georgia-bluegod created the Big Bang which lead to things like Adam and Eve on our planet then it all carried on from there but Adam and Eve were monkeys and we evolved from them- that's the best theory tbqf

leahScience not God!!!

Rhianna Fan@Monkeyface92 haha

cazDefinately god, makes sense why women have it tuff because Eve did wrong an ate the apple!!

leahthere is no evidence god even exists, only people's imagination

zagadeeA scientific theory is an idea that has been proven time after time with lots of evidence. So technically, only one of those options is a theory, the other is just an unproven belief.

cazDefinately god, makes sense why women have it tuff because Eve did wrong an ate the apple!!

leahthere is no evidence god even exists, only people's imagination

zagadeeA scientific theory is an idea that has been proven time after time with lots of evidence. So technically, only one of those options is a theory, the other is just an unproven belief.

Xx Courtney xXBB theory

Rosie MatanhireGeorgia blue is right. X

Sam Vyeah then a snake came and flirted with eve! The dirty cow they must have been on some potent acid trip, give me some of that shit!

Chloif you apply some logic to your minds you should see that god does not exist

Andrew@chloeann agree 100%.

flowerpowerThis is all really affencive to Christians