Ugliest trait in a man is

42 votes

105 votes

159 votes

65 votes


reveka ana olverai cant stand guys who cant keep a convo -,-

DaniI guess all of the above aren't so great haha

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑lying can sometimes have good reasons behind it Laziness...well, I'm lazy as hell lol but I don't think it's that big of a deal as long as he puts some effort into the things he cares about Mean- no excuses. That's not cool, and I immediately don't like the dude Dullness isn't a preferable trait lol but that's just a person's personality, you can't say it makes their character "ugly" like damn... That's just mean


Not Your Average Calvinsex addicts

_.Sofia._Liars and mean

PenPineappleApplePenOoh I'm in the wrong place😅

Not Your Average CalvinHey Lumpy? So am I. Just nice to comment everywhere. 😛


Cat-Gnawall of those