you currently have feelings for a girl who is in a relationship?

Yes, and I am in a relationship
29 votes

Yes, and I am a SINGLE GUY
99 votes

No, and I am in a relationship
33 votes

No, and I am a SINGLE GUY
81 votes


VictoryTo the guys that say they are single and have feelings for a girl in a relationship: Are you currently friends ("friends") with her?

urs truly i like a guy and yes we r friends but a little more to

Victory@urs truly that is tough, I know how it feels.

erkewe are still friends. Best. But she don't know :(

VictoryThat seems to happen really often. Do you think you will tell her one day?

erkeI don't know. First of all she have to leave him

VictoryYeah, it is a really complicated situation that is pretty unique to every person experiencing it. You risk losing a friendship and that is really scary, especially when you have such strong feelings for a person. I think you have to personally weigh the pros and cons of staying her friend and of telling her. I would actually recommend writing out a list so you remember. Especially if things don't work out you can go back to the list and remind yourself why you made the decision you did.

erkeThank you. I will try to do that

VictoryI think the same question should be asked to all the girls. Do you think it will be about the same results? hmm

VictoryI think it's a common thing to happen.

VictoryI think it's a common thing to happen.

Guzmán its frustrating i think i love a girl and its dificult to understand that its not posible

Guzmán And yes i'm friend but not friend friend its to early

urs truly I sucks the guy I like said he jus wants to have fun cuz he's still young :( after we've been tlking for like 5 months my heart hurts