How many shoes have you got?

Not a lot
604 votes

Quite a lot
1112 votes

786 votes

A few
1263 votes



Angharad Toltontoo many to count! lol

avaive got like 5 pairs of converse, 3 flats, 2 trainers 1 uggs!!!! ive got a lot!!!

Amy15 or 16!

emmmy mum has tons!!!

Erin lovesdimsumCan't count

Erin lovesdimsumCan't count


EllieHow am I ment to count

Matt chadwickWhat a gay question hoe

haz2 trainers (1 are for PE) 1 dance shoes for stage coach 1 school shoes 1 jagers my mums got loads and she won't buy me anymore shoes

tils2424I need more shoes๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 

ei hav like 50 pairs :s

Fennikins 37 pairs !!! I think I should get rid of a few :s xxxx

Nena Stylesi clicked the wrong answer. i actually have closets and drawers full of shoes