How much do you love chocolate ?

269 votes

It's ok
2501 votes

Ewww >.<
391 votes

With all my heart 😍❤❤💜
4858 votes


Baby Brittany Cool

JamieErinHoran❤️✨🌟💫Who and why would someone say eww or idk


Alexa it's sooo good 😍😍😍😍😍

Isabella Mejiai love chocolateeee

willy Bo billyI'm lactose intolerant :(. ;(

Dwayne jones for short DJTHE BEST

💖Directioner for life💖it's alright I don't love love love love it and if I have to much I don't like it

Kendrai will say eww bc I dislike chocolate


ShineyBSwaggI hate pure or milk i only eat white choclate ita delicious!!!!!

ShineyBSwaggI mean its delicious!!!

MaddyIt's ok

Johana Cisternas@Maddy wit did u just say about chocolate!!!!!!!!

hanon6i loooove choc.

LOVEBUgs003I'm cuckoo for coco puffs lol

lindseysave the planet!!!;) its the only one with chocolate!!!;-/)

Kiersten Russo@lindsey I totally agree!!!

Hh@Kendra that's hurtful

HhBut you should love god more