Is 13 to young to date

997 votes

1570 votes


Warrior✝♡yep, i say 16 and older

Highqualitydirt@KikiPopz, fuck the second you get a sex drive

guy@Highqualitydirt that's the problem with this world people like you

Michael Moon@guy ya. But a date (movies or restaraunt, my case fishing) is harmless, letting them stay at ones house by themselves is stupid.

Edwin It's not to young

Highqualitydirt@guy, actually its the other way around, the problem with the world is boarding people like you, i don't censor life and why should i?

IceManI think it's the perfect age

IceMan@Highqualitydirt stop being such an idiot

Highqualitydirt@Charlmystah, i know, it is stupid to try and teach your type about biology, but i just cant help it

guy@Highqualitydirt so you encourage teen pregnancies and stds

Highqualitydirt@guy, no i explicitly say use a condom

guy@Highqualitydirt that's the problem with this world people like you

Michael Moon@guy ya. But a date (movies or restaraunt, my case fishing) is harmless, letting them stay at ones house by themselves is stupid.

Edwin It's not to young

Highqualitydirt@guy, actually its the other way around, the problem with the world is boarding people like you, i don't censor life and why should i?

IceManI think it's the perfect age

IceMan@Highqualitydirt stop being such an idiot

Highqualitydirt@Charlmystah, i know, it is stupid to try and teach your type about biology, but i just cant help it

guy@Highqualitydirt so you encourage teen pregnancies and stds

Highqualitydirt@guy, no i explicitly say use a condom

Demi styles@guy there's nothing wrong with teen pregnancy

Chicasosweetno i mean

B-rad@Demi styles Ur fucking messed up. Teen pregnancy isn't good because it screws up that persons life, and sometimes leads to abortion, which is horrible!!(abortion is NOT an opinion)

Highqualitydirt@B-rad, i think you will find abortion is an option

Prufrock@Highqualitydirt check out

Zoë@B-rad AMEN.

Zoëin my opinion, I think you should be at least 16-18 + to date. I mean, at 13, you're honestly still a kid. You have so many years ahead of you. Too many other things before even thinking about dating. Dating at your age is ridiculous. There's no point. Just drama. And maturity that one thinks they have, but when in reality, they don't know what they're doing. It could lead to bad choices. Bottom line: the answer is yes. 13 is pretty much too young to date.

Highqualitydirt@Zoë, you think that at the age of 16 you have a sudden apifoney of maturity? You can date at any age, whether it lasts is another matter


Highqualitydirt@Zoë, AHAHAHA, you are a fucking moron, teenagers WANT sex, whether you tell them to or not, it is a bio-fucking-logical trait, they will not reconsider sex, we should be teaching them to use protection not to abstain, you know NOTHING about the human mind

Zoëwell why can't we teach both? I mean fuck. There has to be much more than just 'oh ok. Let them have sex. Let them know sex is the number one go to option they have.' Really? Yes i fucking know teens want sex but is this what we want to teach kids that are under 12? and then look what happens. an even more messed up society. It then leads to 10 year olds dressing up like skanks. wearing make up that makes them look like clowns. all things mature will suddenly fall down to the level of fucking 11 year olds. And why the fuck are you targeting me? I never said anything that attacked you yourself.


Highqualitydirt@Zoë, nobody is telling children to have sex other than themselves, and for the record, sex is #1 priority in life

Zoë@Highqualitydirt a priority? When did that become a fact? I'm sure it's a number one desire, but I don't know about a priority...well...ok, no, it makes sense now. And actually, how can kids tell themselves to have sex? They have outside pressures like their friends who are exposed to that stuff. and the media. Shit, it's pretty much just the media. Children are born as innocent beings. Maybe not of an innocent and perfect environment, but they themselves are still innocent. They cannot think about sex for themselves unless it is taught and promoted to them.


PrioryBloodHonestly, I couldn't care less what you do with your body. You want to get stds at a young age? Go for it. You wanna fuck a guy you just met a day before? Not my problem. But when there is the risk of you getting pregnant because you have no idea what protection is, and your child is now either orphaned or can never have a proper family, it becomes more than just your carelessness. You're ruining an innocent life.

Zoë@PrioryBlood I agree with this. whoever said 'there's nothing wrong with teen pregnancy' is extremely ignorant.

Rania SharafI mean yes

QuestionI am 13 but my friend is 12 and he is dating a 8th grader while he is in 7th grade

Sara Beiber <3no it's not I'm dating and I'm 10

AmyPut the wrong one on, I would say no

MaddyI'm 12and I've been on 4 dates

Highqualitydirt@Zoë, oh you make me laugh. Sex is priority, the goal in life is to reproduce. Ever seen two dogs humping? You know why they do that? Instinct, same as humans. Children are NOT innocent

Highqualitydirt@PrioryBlood, condoms and abortion

Zoë@Highqualitydirt you know you're talking about a whole different subtopic on this, it doesn't even make sense anymore. Yes, sex is to reproduce. So you want a 13 year old to have a kid while they're that age? If you're mature enough to have sex then you should be mature enough to know that a baby could come along with that. But you know what? You have your opinions and I have mine. I don't fine it ideal or right for young teens to go around having sex at a young age. Condoms or no condoms, abortion or no abortion. ok. But what the fuck do what you want. It's not like I can stop it.

Highqualitydirt@Zoë, dam you, you closed it off

Zoë@Highqualitydirt lol. I'm not going to fight over opinions.

Highqualitydirt@Zoë, dam you

Zoë@Highqualitydirt thanks~

Jovanaemail me when u end up pregnet👪

Gamer girlYes so six teen

Gamer girl@KikiPopz thank you someone know that a 13 year old is not appropriate because teen age boys want to do things and it is just not the right time for girls and boys

Gamer girl@Edwin you are right to it can not kill a mom and dad to let there kid grow up and go on a date and not have kissing and hold hands but just know what is alowd

Gamer girl@guy yes it is like giving a killer a lodid gun

Gamer girl@Demi styles there is a teen should not have to be bum and do bum ass thing and not live her life because a guy that could not cerp he's bick in his pance now she has to be a mom at six teen that is horridly

Gamer girl@B-rad thx exactly

Gamer girl@Zoë thx thx thx thx some knows what I am trying to say

Gamer girl@Maddy you need a mom that love you that what you need

Gamer girl@PrioryBlood yes girl like that will be mom and see it is hord as hell

Gamer girlI want tro love with a guy I love and marred and I want to be the first it is sipposto make a baby not do it for fun

John doeyou cant help but like other people at that age so no but its way too young for sex or going past a kiss

crapoloqythe comments r disturbing ya know....

JeliI realize this arguments old by now but @Zoë I totally agree and @highqualitydirt u couldn't be a bigger idiot.. That's all I'm saying ur probably that stupid 13 year old that's gonna be a deadbeat person good luck with that..

Highqualitydirt@Jeli, ha ha, explain to me why i am wrong

Kyle I'm with highqualitydirt on this one I don't no him but he seems to me that is owning all of yer

kushxoyes 16 or older

Zoë@kushxo I agree. Just my opinion though.

Michael Moon@Highqualitydirt abortion shouldn't be an option.

Demi styles@PrioryBlood I'm a teenage mother and he is healthy and in perfect condition so fuck you bitch. Teenage pregnancy is acceptable but not right some teens can help they get pregnant and comments like that make them feel like shit. So shut your mouth and keep rude comments to yourself

Zoë@Michael Moon 👍

Kyle @Demi styles whoop

Michael Moon@Highqualitydirt it's called restraint. Apparently you've never heard of it. Please, please shut up

Zoë@Michael Moon that's the word I've been missing in that argument...

Demi styles@Kyle hahaha. Thanks so much. In all my comments you back me up. 😘😘

Michael Moon@Demi styles if I may ask, no disrespect intended, at what age did you become pregnant, and were you stressed, did you have dreams that you can no longer accomplish?

Warrior✝♡@highqualitydirt damn are you childish, i feel sorry for you. Your username pretty much suites your filthy mouth. Anyway your comment don't change my mind. I think 13 is too young to date. That's my opinion. And thanks to those who stood up for me.

Kyle Rubbish @Warrior✝♡ I was on your side for the beginning bit about highqualitydirt but when u said about 13 year old dating I just weren't on your side

Kyle it is the person choice that made this to go out with someone at the age of 13 although she asked us. But it is our own opinion so shut ur mouths whoever saying that she shouldn't and go do something with ur lonely, boring lifes

Kyle KAPOW!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡!¡!

Zoë@Kyle the person who asked this question is a boy.

Kyle oh

Kyle alwell

Kyle everything I said but not a girl a boy insted

Zoë@Kyle and if he asked this question it is assumed he's pretty much asking for advice which is what the commenters are giving.

Warrior✝♡@kyle did i say you had to agree with me? No. Get your facts straight child. And i'm talking about those people who backed me up when that guy was rude to me, they don't have to agree with me. How immature are you. And fyi i have a bf thank you. Atleast i'm helping him out by saying it is too you. Doesn't mean i'm being rude to whoever asked this question. It's called advice. Now back off. Wasn't talking to you

Demi styles@Kyle haha

Demi styles@Kyle amen

Demi stylesthe person who asked this question is obviously 13 and belongs to the 18+ group. Wtf

Kyle @Warrior✝♡ your hands don't count as a boyfriend

Kyle @Warrior✝♡ I with the guy that was rude at u

Zoë@Kyle obviously have no opposing for her main points. and you've said that 'insult' before.

Zoë*no opposing argument.

Kyle Ahhh

Kyle shhh damn autocorrect

Warrior✝♡@kyle lmao, real mature :) cool story bro

Kyle No wat I don't give to shits about this fat kid asking for advise because if someone dumps him it will probly be his last so be kind

Warrior✝♡@kyle you the type of person who hides behind the computer to insult people. Feel sorry for you. Grow up

Warrior✝♡@Kyle oh wait that's right, you can't. Cause you still frikken like 4 years old. Now get my way.

Kyle I'm 14 actually small for my age but no one gives a fuck

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ you need to grow up because you said thirteen is too young to date. Honey I'm sorry that's today's world. They will do whatever they want no matter what a app says. And @kyle and sit behind the computer and insult who ever the fuck he wants

Kyle and I'm not a saddo that sits behind the computer all day. That is more like u because I like being outside not stuck inside sat on my ass. Also more girls go on this than boys so that means your the sad ones. - mainly speaking about Warrior here. Thx you -

Kyle Wait wat r u saying @Demi styles

Zoë@Demi styles ...I commend you for being such a strong figure and going through two births for a person still so young, but I hope you don't teach that to you children...just because Kyle backed you up does not mean he's always right. Although today's world is fucked up, we ourselves should still have enough human decency to try and clean it up.

Warrior✝♡@demi styles if you read what i said, i said that it's just my opinion. He asked a question and I answered it. That boy can go date if he wants, thats not my problem i was just giving advice. And you damn right he can sit behind the computer and insult whoever the fuck he wants, it just shows what type of person he is, would never be able to say it to someone's face. Now can you children stop commenting flip. I wasn't asking for your back up. Stupid as shit

Demi stylesI'm saying that warrior is being fucking rude. @warrior grow up your probably ten years old. Get a life.

Michael MoonOh and for all of you saying that we need to fix the evil world, cursing is just as bad.

Zoë@Michael Moon good point. I should've censored.

Kyle @Warrior✝♡ if I knew u I would say it to your face and I don't need anyone to stand up for me so u can shut up and go to your bf

Kyle doesn't make sense but alwell

Demi styles@Zoë thanks. I will definetly not teach my kids that. Lol. I really appreciate those who back me up.

Zoë@Demi styles haha good to know☺

Warrior✝♡@demi styles yeah says the one with one directions surname in their username. Look i wasn't rude 1st. You and your dear friend kyle was rude 1st. It's you who needs a life, cause i wasn't even talking to you or your blady friend in the 1st place. Not my fault you went whoring when you were 13. Shame

Warrior✝♡@demi styles oh an im 17, sorry to burst your bubble

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ your just saying this backing up shit bc no one is defending you. End this drama. Shut up. Continue with our lives

Kyle @Warrior✝♡ that is probly a pic of some women off google and u hope u can get someone and like u say u got a boyfriend it has work then

Kyle Way out of date ^^

Michael Moon@Demi styles as it turns out I agree with @Warrior. Unless raped, teenage pregnancy and motherhood is more being a whore. You should've waited until you could support yourself. And your cursing doesn't show how good of a mother you are.

Kyle Erm I not @Demi styles friend and I don't no her

Kyle i am goin to end this now and I mean it start fresh because u no wat Warrior your not even worth it so bye starting fresh and goin to get on with this world

Demi stylesi don't curse In front of my children. Thank you. And I'm a very stable mother the father didnt Leave. I'm still in collage and i have good grades. So don't judge. By the way. I'm not a whore

Kyle @Michael Moon Zoë also cursed the world as well do I get something

Kyle hello kind people of the earth how r u all

Michael Moon@Kyle then why not just leave?!

Kyle ^^ see I'm starting fresh all ready started

Warrior✝♡@kyle that is a picture of me you dipshit, go look me up retard. And @michealmoon thanks. They on my case just because i said it's best not to date at the age of 13

Zoë@Kyle did you not read my comment? I apologized and realized my mistake. Michael Moon made a good point. Therefore I apologize.

Demi styles@Michael Moon @kyle should not have to leave bc you and warrior are judging me and starting drama

Kyle Oh hello @Michael Moon how r u today hopefully we will see some lovely stars today

Kyle and why are u telling me to leave

Michael Moon@Demi styles so you decide to behind their back? @ Kyle, I mentioned that and she said sorry. Learn to forgive.

Kyle sorry Zoë

Kyle i feel really bad

Warrior✝♡@demi styles for fuck sakes you started it and started attacking. Bladyville. Now you don't upset me even you just annoy the shit outta me. @kyle there i change d my photo for proof that it's me, flippen stupid

Demi styles@Michael Moon what

Kyle - oooo this feels great being fresh

Warrior✝♡And i have been dating my bf for a 1 year now, so get over it. I don't lie about myself unlike you two

Kyle Even changed my picture

Zoë@Kyle ...apology accepted. I, too, must refrain from cursing. It's dirty. I actually hate doing it. And I rarely do.

Kyle this is Kyle out of South Park I've drew him myself

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ leave me alone ok?? Oh and you don't think your annoying??? HAHAHAHA. think again

Kyle haha <-- sorry for that

Kyle i will just watch let me get a bag of popcorn brb

Michael Moon@Demi styles just shut up. I usually don't say that unless somebody is being excessively mean, but in this case, you are. Even @Kyle got nice (btw thank you Kyle, sorry for being hard on you)

Warrior✝♡Think it's best to do what @kyle is doing. Go on with life, cheers guys. xx

Warrior✝♡@zoë agreed :)

Demi stylesI will be nice when you guys are but all of you are being so rude to me so. Why should I be nice. You know everywhere I go I get hate and get stores down bc I'm a teen mom. So can't anyone be nice. None of you know my story so. If your not nice. Whatever it's normal to me

Kyle back and this is my idea. Go and find ur own idea warrior I am still on Demi side I just quiten down a bit

Warrior✝♡@michealmoon thank you! All i was doing was stating my opinion. I don't expect the boy to listen to me, i was just answering a question and giving him advice by saying that i think it's 2 young and then people start getting offensive and obviously i will if i honestly wasn't even talking to them, gosh. But thanks.

Zoë@Warrior✝♡ 👍 you're really pretty by the way.

Demi styles@Kyle thanks. Thank you so much.

Kyle @Demi styles not being funny but they r girls and I'm the only boy that's talking I think

Demi stylesMichael moon. Be nice to me and I'll be nice be rude and ill piss you off

Kyle wtf @Zoë

Warrior✝♡@demi styles i'm not hating on you because you're a teen mom. I didn't even know that, and i would never judge someone because of that, all i said was that i think it's best not to date young and @kyle very well then.

Kyle me being Zoë " pop Warrior your so pretty." I don't really mean that but I was only being Zoë

Zoë@Kyle oh what? It's wrong to compliment someone? And we should all just stop guys. Arguing over opinions makes it difficult to get anywhere in an argument...

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ then can we start over

Warrior✝♡@zoë thank yoou you really pretty too

Kyle your not pop

Kyle gtg speak to u werid and wonderful people some other time

Warrior✝♡@demi styles yes please. Cause i have alot of respect for teen moms, i really do, life is not as easy as it seems

Zoë@Warrior✝♡ oh haha thank you!😁

Zoë@Kyle pop? what. I'm having trouble trying to comprehend what you're saying. I'm confused.

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ok. Thank you. I'm sorry I talked the way I did.

Michael Moon@Demi styles you know I'm not trying to be mean. You took offense to something I said and then got mad.

Warrior✝♡@demi styles me too :) lets forget this ever happened. I tried to sort things out with Kyle but he's really rude so no lol.

Demi styles@Michael Moon because I'm used to everything being offensive. Everywhere I go people point and state and its not comfortable.

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ hahaha. Ok. By the way your really pretty

Michael Moon@Kyle you don't think I'm a boy?

Zoë@Michael Moon although I agree with your points, from an outsider's view, the comment seemed a bit offensive. I understand you were getting your point across, a point which I agree on, but it was conveyed a bit too harshly...

Michael MoonSorry I read then answere and I was doing something, yeah I agree I'll stop

Warrior✝♡@demi styles thank you, i'm pretty sure you're beautiful yourself. And just to be clear i really didn't know you were a teen mom because some comments i said might have looked like i knew. @michealmoon it's okay, you didn't mean it.

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ thanks I changed my profile pic to a selfie. It's ok.

Kyle @Michael Moon I do now but last night I didn't

Warrior✝♡@demi styles. You are seriously pretty :) xx

Demi styles@Warrior✝♡ thanks. You to.

Kyle so glade we r back together as friends although we don't even no each other

Demi styles@Kyle hahaha. Ikr

Kyle yes

AliyahI'm 10 and I have a bf

Kyle @Aliyah shhh don't start it again

Music obsession❤I think 13 is way too young... I would say 18..

Zoë@🎀Angie🎀 👍🌟

BootsguyYes it is very young and should not be tolerated

BootsguyThat is why there are early teen pregnancies as young as 13 years old because they date early and become maniac at an early age masturbating and exploding like volcano at an early age!

BootsguyIt should not be tolerated.. They could not even knows how to clean the shit in their ass and their poo and even their mucus or runny nose and they don't even know how to cook much more date... They need to become responsible and hard working youth and teens first before anything else.. School and education is much much more important than just plain waste of time date.. We will not run out of men and women on Earth if you date at an old age or over 20 +!

BootsguyEven if you use protection there is no assurance you will not get pregnant so the best things is don't teach the youth and teens to be maniac at early age!

Bootsguy@Demi styles i agree with @warrior she has a point really.. Everything has its own time but not at an early age when they can still learn a lot more and enjoy more about the world perfect timing is a key and ideal age is when they are about in college when they become more independent and responsible enough!

BootsguyAlls well that ends well

Kyle @Bootsguy well done with all the writing but I readed the first line and got bored

🎀Kayonna🎀It is too young people these days date wayyy to young, you should wait until 9th grade

Omesha@Kyle me too

OmeshaI'm 13 and I'm dating but we don't even kiss we just hang out hold hands and stuff to show people were dating but nothing more

💋Jess_xoxo@Demi styles ur stupid

💋Jess_xoxo@Omesha 👍

bestofthebest3210Yes it is

bestofthebest3210I'm 13 and I haven't ever thought about dating. I spend my time worrying about school and college. College is my life, I NEED TO GO TO COLLEGE

TIK.TOK.TOBYno it is not ok wait till high school, I mean what r u gonna do with a bf??? Kiss? Sex??? NO WAY! I honestly think the past (like tons of years ago) was a good time to be in. None of this dating who's who bullshit- I believe you had to be like 16 to have a bf, and if this keeps happening soon 13 year old will start having sex! It insane! When we grow up and become 50 we are the mature people! The people the are old these days will get me, u people who think its ok need to have a long talk with a grandma or grandpa, that will explain why not to do it, and just think 50 years later your grand kids at 6 are having sex! No! No! No! I will NOT let this happen to my family NO WAY!!!!!!!>:(

TIK.TOK.TOBY@Omesha why?????? It doesn't make u popular just makes u look like a fool

Katieif your talking about actually going on a date, definitely wait until your at least 16.

Kyle right everyone just shut up and listen. The person who wrote this was just wondering if 13 is to young to date that's all but now u hav got people on about holding hands, kissing, and I'm so sure but caught my eye was someone was on about SEX!!!! 13 is not to young to date because I am dating at that age so shut up about sex and kissing

ShilaI'm 10 and I've already had a lot of bfs

lovely-SarahYou are Young !!!! Have fun & don't waist your time on these can have a boyfriend when you are older but for now Just enjoy your life! ;)

Lexinope cause I'm 13 and I have a boyfriend and my parents are ok with it

...@Jackle. Do u need some cold water or some ice

...cause u got burned

Kyle @... Nice one

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. my first gf was in preschool

NYLA:);)Uhh no its not to young most people get there first boy friend at the age of 5

Doha LotfyYes so young

Fig_dat_chulopff NO , I got my first bj when I was 13 👌🙊

ANONYMOUS@Fig_dat_chulo yea I was the 1 that gave it 2 u homes don't deny it ese

Fig_dat_chulo@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO butter n jelly sandwhich ? Ion memba

lovely-Sarahyes :/

Not Your Average Calvinunless you are really mature and willing to take it seriously,yep