Do you belive in the end of the world !?

I dont give a shot, i go party!!!
150 votes

It can't be posible
179 votes

903 votes

836 votes


Emersonyes cuz it says in the bible

Taylor Swift LπŸ’™verIt says in the bible

Screamin' Lord ByronThe "world" is'nt going anywhere... the human race, on the other hand, may ormay not last.

Screamin' Lord Byronsorry... isn't

Thomas @Emerson exactly!

πŸŽ€βš“πŸ’–πŸ’‹βœ¨i meant no! The only one who knows when it's gunna end is God!

πŸŽ€βš“πŸ’–πŸ’‹βœ¨except God!

HannahGod will decide. It says in the Bible. If you're an Atheist, please don't be offended.

Star🌟i meant to click yes If you believe in God you should believe so

ZEBRAThe world will end cause someday the sun will die just like all stars/suns do. And then the earth will die of no heat or warmth

ZEBRAIt's kinda hard to believe in god, I mean sometimes I do sometimes I don't? But the true question is, who created him?

jaybirddancerIt's gonna end when the sun blows up

Juliayes i am the Aap