Is he cute

I don't want to say
82 votes

68 votes

309 votes

528 votes


Belieber/Mahomie Forever!<3no he is SEXY HOT!!!! :)

NonameHe is so not cute he does drugs

Princess SMEXY

💟Nae 💟Nae@Dog lover So those two things you listed don't go hand and hand

Yana...Swag fag

Shannon WellsHe makes me want to...want to..........oh yeah BARF😷

Alissa^.\ smoking Isn't Drugs @Dog lover Mmkay Don't Hate ^.-

Spencer@SugarPie😘 Ha ha! Good one.

💋Monstercat101💋@JacquelineBixshhhxD he was spitting on his fans and then her was laughing about it


Kaymatt2Never in a million years will be be hot

Kaymatt2I meant never in a million years will he be hot

Rebecca Hartley <3Admit it he is soo cute. I know most people will say not, because they hate him -.-

Karatesinger113@Rebecca Hartley <3 yep

LoveMyLifeDuh it's JB

LarterCongHe is job he sucks and is fxxk ing annoying with his music

LoveMyLife@LarterCong we do not like each other