I've met this boy, he's really cute but ignores me and hangs out with other girls. What should I do?

Hate the girls
14 votes

Forget it
151 votes

Tell him
71 votes

Go for it
86 votes


StephieSparkleIt he ignires youhe's a twat, you deserve better. Find someone who shows interest

hanamy life I'm the girl who hangs out with the guy you like I'm probably gonna ask him out soon if you want to hangout with him act cute around him and then he'll come to you

hanaWith the guy I like

Cuz I can ride!!!!πŸ‡I'm same he is a proper flirt wiv other girls that r popular but he just flirts wiv everyone he's slapped my arse before tho hehe and my friends that proves everything just try to out flirt the girls

laurenobviously he doesn't like you

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATHrip his dick off and feed it to him then kick the shit outa the other girls and give your teacher a blow job

Becky PattersonWell there's a solution ^. Anyway, he doesn't like you back if he doesn't show interest in you. Plus he hangs out with all these other girls. If he liked you he wouldn't ignore you and he wouldn't flirt with other girls.


Sunshine Babe :*same scenario here

MelodyWintersMaybe he is asking those other girls for advice

Highqualitydirtmaybe he is friends with those girls

Antionettebabe you need to just show him all your attention until he realises you are the one he wants not those girls :) if he keeps ignoring you from there then you can let him go 😘 from aunty ant ☺️