Is 9 too young to own a laptop?

48 votes

109 votes

I had mine before then!
6 votes


JohnIt also depends, in what are you going to use it for

MazziI'm just doing some research, my friends brother has a laptop and she thinks he's to young, I thought I would gather some opinions.

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATHi got my first laptop when I was 7 it Brock the day after from old age it was 8years old when I got it

JohnIf he is going to take care of it, why not? It could be like a pet, to prove he is responsible.

MazziThanks for your feedback guys :D

Harry Potter Doctor Who Spurs😎😋@Mazzi yeah you can I got my first one when I was 6

ZehraYeah its ok to have a laptop when your none because im nine and i have a laptop but mini and touchscreen
