Do you trust wikipedia?

75% (Yes)
1614 votes

100% (Completely)
808 votes

under 25% (No)
977 votes

50% (Sometimes)
1553 votes


blah blahit's not true

bexter142no coz som1 cud just write Woteva they want on it like the word hi means pasta

maddsbrnot true


Owlcrazy!On Wikipedia search John Lennon and scroll down a bit

Moustaches rulei dunno

El@bexter142 learn to spell...

Leah Hannay @El same thing you need to spell

princess888ish... they had to shut it down for a day to put it all back cuz ppl had changed it

liberty94ino u can edit it everyone does it

liberty94ino u can edit it everyone does it

Abiwhy not? I trust it? xxx lol Ps I always sing with xxx lol Xxxlol

Cathal Rooneyit's a whole load of shite anyone can post on it

Jazzie!If you make an account, you can add what ever you want!

Megan Fox I trust it because they won't make it all up