What do you do in bed with your boyfriend

610 votes

Just talk
103 votes

I'm single
311 votes

I don't have a boy friend
276 votes


@yarily123i would cuddle with him

Mykaela Kiss cuddle and one more thing I can't say

Mykaela @Mykaela

ZacI'm single and a boy

Awesome_V_4Everproud single pringle!

MeganI am a lesbo

Calebis there a sex option. Nevermind

H-A-T_rappersWe do more than kiss

H-A-T_rapperslike ALOT MORE

carterI'm a boy and with my girlfriend I would have sex

CalvnKleinEverything! From talking and cuddling to kissing and...well, more than kissing ๐Ÿ˜‰

๐Ÿ’‹Chelsea๐Ÿ’‹Is sex an option cuz me and my bf do that in bed then he sticks up there and we bang

AustinSingle and a guy