If your in year 7 and there's a girl in year 9 you've know for most of you life that you kind of fancy but are afraid that her friends and everyone else will make fun of you and you think she fancies you, what do you do

Don't say anything and be lonely forever
72 votes

Wait and let on slowly that you love her
351 votes

Wait forever for her if she even fancys you
40 votes

Tell her and take the hate
344 votes


jassyTell her alone and tell her and see what she says

WolfThese questions are so fucking annoying!

Gabbytalk to her about it you never know

justcuriousAdorable!! Did you ever get together?

Niamphy xxxwait till your a bit older yeah

ShyCoolKid@Wolf Ikr, not to be mean but i really don't give af about this stuff. Like every-other question i get is this like wtf

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@Zara I agree