Do you have Bieber Fever.

I don't care (comment why)
7 votes

Maybe (comment why)
1 votes

Yes (comment why)
7 votes

No (comment why)
43 votes


tiger loverJust wish he didn't sag...I hate ppl who sag

Mary CooperWhat do you mean sag.

tiger loverWhen people have their pants pulled down n they look like the poop in them...cuz u can c bieber a how his pants are is what sagging is called...I just hate that crap, all the guys at ,y school do that

Mary CooperI know almost all the boys do that but sometimes it's cute.

tiger loverYea just alittle

Mary CooperI looks like going to grow a good friendship

Mary Cooperit*

tiger loverYep...but I don't get on very much

Mary Cooperoh but ill talk to u when you get on

Mary CooperYou still their.

Colm Conneely I hate him he's a wanker

tiger loverlol..he's cute n I like a couple of his songs but other than that he sucks

Kayleehe is cute but uh really the sagging ?

Mary Cooper@Kaylee I just picked the picture. Lol

Meg i love him!!! An Idc if he saggs! Lol:)

Dat boi popplioI hate how he always looks like he's wearing a nappy. And he is so fulle of himself

Lara rocks!! XDHe is sagging sooo much in the pic!!

Lara rocks!! XDput a shirt on dude!!

CheerQueen123what in world is he wearing.he looks worse than my grandma

Niall is my little irish cutie!!😍😍😘😘I hate bieber because i'm a directioner

Mary Cooperheehee

hannah6424oh , is this 1-800- I don't give a fuck?! Oops! Wrong number!