Should there be legal gay marriage

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I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine why?

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar read the bible

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine I'm an atheist

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar well good luck with that

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine yeah okay

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar yuppp... But you shuld atleast know their is a God okay and he is real whether you wanna accept it now or later god is real okay but ok not gonna argue with you to change your belief I just wanted to let you know ok

Jasmine@Jasmine there / should

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine yeah sure

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine, you can't just say "there is a god, no matter what." Thats just your belief. How would you like it if I said "yeah theres no god. You can believe whatever you want, but no matter what you think or say, theres no god okay. He's fake. You dont have to believe it, but its true" you'd probably accuse me of disrespecting your religion. I don't have a religion, but to me, what you just said was ridiculous.

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar I don't care ok I'm just stating the truth ok there is a god! First off there has to be some sort of higher power above us in the first place but as I said I just wanted to let you know I really don't expect you to believe or accept what I wanna say but as long as I told you then I'm doing what Christ wanted!! Spreading the gospel. It's up to you to believe or not..

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine dude really. You cant just say that and not sound like an idiot. I'm not saying you are, you're just kind of talking like one right now. Seriously. You sound insane.

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine Tell me this. You really believe that someone rose from the dead and created a world with... Magic?

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar is that what they teach you?! That god rose from the dead and created the world with magic

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine No, its what some crazy person teaches YOU.

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar look Ty going to church

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine congrats. Now you get to hear even more insane people talk about how the world was magically created.

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar how old are you?

👊Duchessjohanna👊@MalaysianAvatar you know of you lived 100s I'd years ago, say oh idk, England, you'd be burned at the stake.

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar have you ever Ben to church before

I love you Hiddleston@👊Duchessjohanna👊 I am aware of that. But the fact is that we are in 2013. Which is why I am sharing these beliefs of mine.

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine Yes, with my grandmother once.

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar what kind of church did you go to? How old are you?

I love you Hiddleston@Jasmine it was an United Church of Christ Church . I'm 16.

Jasmine@MalaysianAvatar oh ok so we are around the same age.. Maybe you should try going to an Adventist church!!! It's pretty good for people who need answers and are confused of this whole concept! Just visit one any free Saturday and maybe things will change

Christina H.Of course gays should be allowed to marry! It's not like they have a different blood then us. They are human! WITHOUT saying "it's gross" or "the bible is against it" tell me one reason that two guys should not be allowed to show their love for each other.

TIK.TOK.TOBY@Jasmine stop trying to change people of who they are! I'm tired of tapping on your comment and writing a long paragraph why you should get the hell out of all the crowds you don't belong in...

TIK.TOK.TOBYgahh!!! You are sooo rude and Just very rude!

fangthecoyote@Jasmine Have you ever been beat up before because you're about to.

fangthecoyote@Jackle I completely agree with you :D

fangthecoyote@Christina H. :D omg u r amazing thank you for helping to fight for our rights :)

fangthecoyote@👊Duchessjohanna👊 should get burned at the stake. *gets a giant stake and fire*

👊Duchessjohanna👊@fangthecoyote hey did I ever say that gays should e burned at the stake? No, I'm all for gay rights. So yeah, take your burning stake elsewhere. And p.s, my best friend is bisexual. So yeah.

👊Duchessjohanna👊And here's the crazy part, I believe in god. OMG what? A Christian that believes in gay rights? OMG! Yeah, they exist.

fangthecoyote@👊Duchessjohanna👊 Good for you. My boyfriend is gay . Wanna know why? Bc I'm a gay guy. A gay guy who almost got murdered by bigots. I'm sorry if I come off a little aggressively.

👊Duchessjohanna👊@fangthecoyote it's cool I'm sorry that happened to you. But I am a Christian and I am for gay rights.

fangthecoyote@👊Duchessjohanna👊 Yay :D u a good christiannn

👊Duchessjohanna👊@fangthecoyote mhm!

Sarah @Jasmine well I'm sorry gays ruin the world. I'm a bisexual Christian, so maybe I'm biased, but maybe I'm not. I don't see why people are opposed to the LGBT community. Isn't Christianity about love and forgiveness? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm not saying you're right. The thing that annoys me the most is when people say being gay ruins the sanctity of their marriage. What???? So maybe, just maybe they should be allowed to marry. Maybe it's time they earn their rights as people, not gays. I think marriage is a human right, not a heterosexual privilege. Sometimes, gay people are happier than heterosexual people in their relationships. I just don't understand why we get tortured and abused and bullied because if who we love. What if LGBT people picked on you because you we're heterosexual and you weren't allowed to be married? Wouldn't that hurt your feelings? If I come off as rude, I'm not trying to be rude. Just, please please PLEASE be a little more open minded about this "problem." Thank you, and again, I'm sorry if I come off as rude.

Jasmine @Jackle ughh hmmm

Jasmine@Sarah that's nice

Jasmine@fangthecoyote you need my address?! You wanna fight right? Lemme give you my address I have no problem with whoopin some ass today

JasmineFOR THE LAST TIME I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST GAY PEOPLE BUT GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG!!!!! Okay did I come across clear to all? I do not hate gay people okay?! Good? Everyone understand English? Okay good!

JasmineMarriage isn't a I love you and you love me thing okay it's a religious sort of thing and it's a bond with god and sure if any of you were Christians you'd know that homosexuality is an abomination to god. So therefore gay people shouldn't get married because u cannot partake in a religious bondage between the same sex with god

Jasmine @Jackle stfu please if your tired of it then don't do it point blank dumbass

fangthecoyote@Jasmine OMG Marrige is not religious why do you try to take my rights away you asshole?!?!


fangthecoyote@Jasmine You should be ashamed. Oh and didn't god make us as parts of himself?!?!

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Jasmine I ABSOLUTELY agree with you! This is not about "gay bashing", I personally don't care who sleeps with whom. As a Christian, a God fearing Christian, marriage between the same sex is an abomination. Christians didnt make it up, so says God!!! If you don't believe in God, it's ludicrous to want to marry. Marriage is a promise to God- period! I'm baffled that an atheist would fight for marriage? I'm astounded by gays wanting to marry! Why not just live together? What is marriage to gays, if NOT a vow to God?

Jasmine@fangthecoyote I'm an asshole? Nope just a person with sense and no I do not want you to KILL YOURSELF!! And kill yourself for what? What am I honestly doing to you to make you kill yourself ? Hmmmmmm? Back the fuck off? Nope I'm good but thanks!

Jasmine@ABSOLUTELY NO TOLERANCE FOR BITCHASSNESS, SAYS MINDY!!!!! Thank you so much! Glad I'm not the only person who thinks so

Jasminewell knows so

fangthecoyote@ABSOLUTELY NO TOLERANCE FOR BITCHASSNESS, SAYS MINDY!!!!! So glad to know that I have no support. Goodbye.

fangthecoyote@Jasmine You wouldn't last a fucking day in my shoes so you don't know anything about me or how much struggle I've been through but I can see how much everyone hates us gays. Thanks a lot assholes.

Jasmine@fangthecoyote where do you see hate though? I specifically said I do not hate gay people! Do you understand English!?

Jasmine@fangthecoyote and I'm pretty sure I could because right now you feel as if I'm bullying you and I've actually had people talk crap about me but I wouldn't say they bullied me because I fight back but not unless I'm actually being "bullied" not if I feel so more bullying me!

Jasmine@fangthecoyote I'm not an asshole okay guy so stop it okay! You lucky I'm nothing like most of the people I grew up with

fangthecoyote@Jasmine Yeah I grew up with huge bigots who wanted me to die and burn on hell.... And why the hell am I lucky? I appreciate a good fight.

Jasmine@fangthecoyote so you want to fight me? For??? Kid for the last time I don't hate you or anyone else who chooses to be gay okay guy! Mi tell ya fi dead? No I didn't! So just stop because I have nothing against you okay so asshole isn't a word to describe me k!

Jasmine@fangthecoyote I'm saying you are lucky I'm not like those people because you are looking for a fight and I could bring it and make you feel bad but I'm not that kind of person

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@fangthecoyote I have nothing against gay ppl. I just don't support gay marriage. No one wants you to die, or feel alone. I speak to gays, I'm not a bigot. I simply have a belief system. Marriage between the same sex is just not something I agree with.

fangthecoyoteYeah....and you straight people can still get married? Discrimination. Martin Luther King would be so disappointed.

fangthecoyote@Jasmine Make ME feel bad?! Hah! All the people in my life already do that, I'm used to it. I'm not looking for a fight I'm just a more....aggressive defender of equality.

fangthecoyoteSorry if anyone got worked up about me trying to defend my rights.

fangthecoyote@Jasmine And Honey you're not doing anything to make me kill myself, it's just that I'm simply not needed and hated by many. Have a nice *discriminatory* day :).

fangthecoyote@ABSOLUTELY NO TOLERANCE FOR BITCHASSNESS, SAYS MINDY!!!!! Btw Marriage IS NOT EXCLUSIVELY CHRISTIAN. Get your facts straight. It is simply the binding between two people who love each other, not necessarily a man and a woman.

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)Put it this way... If the Vatican helped all those Pedophile priests for the past 1000 years they should...

Jasmine@fangthecoyote lol you're a funny guy you know that! You are the one who say if mi want you to kill yaself boo boo so wah yah ah talk say? You obviously feel bad and I just wanted to let you know that I'm now trying to make you feel bad okay hun not at all! And I'm not a discriminatory person so do not to refer to me as one okay thank you

Jasmine@fangthecoyote and do not call yourself a Christian cause no Christians gay okay

JasmineChristian do not believe in homosexuality so call yourself a person that happens to go to church


fangthecoyoteBattle of the comments XD lol

fangthecoyote@Jasmine If you don't love your neighbor as yourself you're not a true Christian.

fangthecoyote@Jasmine And I'm not a Christian because of people like you fucking bible hammering bigots. Even if that religion is right go ahead and send me to hell I'm sure it'll be FABULOUS!!!!

Jasmine@fangthecoyote Lml!! Dwl stop calling me that omg I'm just saying Christians aren't gay because it goes against the entire religion

Jasmine@fangthecoyote fuck me?!? Comeon man don't do this to me I never said I don't love gay people

Jasmine@fangthecoyote maybe if you were a Christian you'd understand life !!!

Jasmine@fangthecoyote and pretty sure hell is far from fabulous hun

MentalInsanity@Jasmine I do believe in god but but why u bash people like that? If that's way they believe than you can't change that



MentalInsanity@Jasmine and u can make many other commitments to god without being married. And just cuz ur gay dose not mean ur not a Christian. If u believe in and love god and Jesus, that is way makes u a Christian

MentalInsanityagain I meant to say *What*

Jasmine@Austin Davis! I don't bash people

Jasmine@Austin Davis! Well I never met a gay Christian and u doubt the exist

MentalInsanityWell I'm gay so of course :)

Jasmine@Austin Davis! Okay 😊

❤️❤️Luke❤️❤️Bryan❤️❤️marriage is marriage and love is love... it shouldn't matter

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)We live in the 21st century & yet we're still living with ancient laws. Power to the people!✊


ChristiannaMarieI like cheese...

Tweetybird😘honestly I don't know because it's causing such a controversy

CalvnKlein@Jasmine, being gay and being Christian are not mutually exclusive. One thing is an innate biological trait, and the other is an acquired belief system. I am gay and also deeply Catholic. And u can't say that ur gay friendly and not support gay marriage; those two things ARE mutually exclusive. You either support gay people, including wanting them to have equal rights as everyone else, or u don't, i.e. u think of gay people as second-class citizens who are not worthy of the same rights a straight person is entitled to.

🌺Rebekah🌺In my opinion I don't think there should be gays or lesbians no marriage no nothing it's wrong and gross there's a guy there's a girl perfect not guy and guy or girl and girl!!! women and a man is a perfect match duh!!!

CalvnKlein@🌺Rebekah🌺, Well thank God we don't have closed-minded, ignorant, and stupid people like you running this world, do we? 😡 You won't amount to anything in this world with that kind of mentality, mentality. You know what's perfect? LOVE is perfect! DUH!!!

🌺Rebekah🌺@CalvnKlein ok you don't have to get all mad because of a comment if you don't like it ingnor it its that simple

CalvnKleinI will not sit idle and ignore a comment that represents such a hateful mentality! Its because of idiotic people like you, with your idiotic mentality, that so many LGBT people have suffered and are suffering in this world! So it's not "that simple"!!! 😠
