Gay marriage....

Against it
36 votes

Don't care
39 votes

For it
55 votes

Gay marriage?
4 votes


Jasmineagainst it... It should nt be legalized but banned worldwide

BVB_lover@Jasmine why? It's just them you can't change who they are.

Jasmine@BVB_loverits not right

Highqualitydirt@jasmine could you give me one argument for why gay marriage is bad without referring to a religious text?

Jasminewhat's the point of marriage?!?

Highqualitydirtto express love, and get the tax benefits

Melove is love, if you're happy that's all that matters.

#н¢¢иααиι@Hail3y01: You stole the words out of my mouth!!!

Jasminelove is not love when it depends on marriage

Jasminegay people cannot start a family! Marriage is to be connected with god man and women and to raise a family! Yes I know some women cannot have children but they are allowed to adopt and adoption is ok in god eyes unless a man and man or woman and woman is adopting a child! It it's unnatural

Jasminegay people are ruining this society because all of you are being brainwashed into pathetic morons

Highqualitydirt@jasmine. I am sorry, you seem to be living in the fucking dark ages! Marriage is an expression of love, you say its only to start a family, what if two people get married that don't intend to have children? And why do infertile people get to adopt but gay people dont? No, gay people are not ruining anything, it is people like you, people that judge others by some trivial detail, like the colour of their skin, the relationship of their parents, or what gender they are attracted to. You are a despicable cunt, please just shut the fuck up and leave modern sociaty, because you clearly don't belong here.

Shinedown01you can't change the way you feel. Express yourself. Be who you want to be. Don't let ignorant fucks take that away from you. So what if people are gonna hate you! If you have a partner that cares for you that's all that matters. So I'm perfectly fine with it.

JasminesHut up gosh don't influence people to think it's okay to do those things and try to make them feel they deserve to have those rights

Jasminehuh @Highqualitydirt

Shinedown01freedom. Look at it. Learn it. People have the freedom to express themselves.

Jasminegirlllllll yea you do but why express yourself and what you doing is wrong!?! If you were a "bad" person would you freely express yourself and say hey I'm bad but who cares that's who I am?! Then gay people should not go around saying hey I'm gay and I was born that way and nothing is wrong with me and I deserve as much rights as everyone else!! Like no 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

Shinedown01so fucking what if you express yourself?! I don't give two shits if you care or not. They are people and respect them or fucking keep your comments to yourself you because I don't want to here you religious comments saying "God doesn't like gay people" like no 😐. If he didn't like them why would he make people gay?! Shut up you ignorant fuck. God loves everyone. Just fucking respect that

JasmineLittle girl watch your dirty mouth with me okay 😊 good!! Now that's what gets me very edgy and upset with people like you! God never made gay people so wherever you guys are getting this from you need to stop! The devil is ovipositor influencing you

JasmineKeep your comments to yourself! Do not tell me what to do and honestly I do not care what you want think believe expect rely on I don't care 😂😁😐😂😁 like not even 1% seriously so yea I'm not ignorant but apparently you are!

Jasmineand you may want to seek counseling! I know I guy you can go to if you need "special" help which I'm pretty see you do 😂😁😊 maybe you should talk it over with your parents and then get back to me okay 😂😁😊😁😂 I hope you are able to make a decision because it seems that you may be retarded.



Shinedown01God created human. There's one creator. So who made people gay? Nobody else could. You ignorant fuck.

JasmineI could've sworn I told you to watch your mouth Gosh are you that retarded you can't understand English!? 😔 I feel bad for you! Get an education okay!! And btw god did not create gay people are you kidding me?! Homosexuality is an ABOMINATION to god!! God would not create an abomination! People choose to be gay because of their influence from the devil! Who obviously has a strong influence on you..!

Shinedown01you have no fucking idea who the hell I am. You call me 'special' and 'retarded' and tell me I need help. However you tell me I need help maybe they have a 2 for 1 deal since we both need help.

Jasmine😁😁😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍👍👍👍👍👍😂👍😂👍😂😂👍 Lol nope I got my help now!! You need the help!! But thanks for caring😁😂!!! Watch your mouth gosh !!! Omg I'm sorry you really are special?!? Gosh I didn't mean to make you feel bad....or...!!

Shinedown01yeah I'm actually considered special or mental or retarded at my school. So thanks. I actually go to a counselor outside of school. So thanks on that too. I actually have a gay friend. And lemme tell you he's da so you have no right to say he shouldn't be happy.

JasmineSorry I didn't know 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 I'm sorry! And I never said gay people shouldn't be happy I just have a serious problem with gay people claiming that god made them that way and the fact they believe they can get married like no!! I know gay people too! You THINK I hate gay people but no! I just don't believe they should married or claim they were born gay so if you have a problem with that too bad!! And I didn't know you were really like ummm..sorry 😔😔😔😔

Highqualitydirt@jasmine. "Homosexuality is an ABOMINATION to god!!", "People choose to be gay because of their influence from the devil!" So you think gay people are abominations, and that they are being influenced by satan, but you don't hate them? Yea right

Jasmineit's the sin not the sinner I think lying is wrong but I don't hate liars, all who sin are being influenced from the devil so 😐😐😐😐😐!! Yea don't hate em so you can shut up

Sakanaru@Shinedown01 Holy crap never seen you this angry before..😅