Which candy?

125 votes

410 votes

Sour patch kids
262 votes

Gummy worms
184 votes


jerseygirl18zzzjolly rancher



JAMOMG i picked the closet thing to Gummi Bears, Gummi bears In the shape of a worm

chasePeach rings

BabyStarbucks🌸Cocoa Cola bottles


Donovan DavisGummy bears

valval5200Black licorice

AyanaB.T.W. Chocolate isn't candy

Artemis @Ayana that's true but kit Kats ,aero bars ,nestle crunch ect ect are

SexylatinaFerrero rocher

Cristin Waggstaflife savers .|.

#Mrs.RocRoyalSnickers,Kit-Kats & Jolly Ranchers(Only Cherry and Blue Raspberry)

Emerson cotton candy ;)

katelynn black licorice

#Mrs.RocRoyal@katelynn Ewwww

AeriesCotton candy (YUM YUM)

SwerveNaani14sour patch kids!

Andrea Delcidskittles!!!!

AndyAstro Pops

CountryGirl13Star bursts

kariellys i love the chocolate :)

Dylanred licorice fuzzy peaches sour keys jolly ranchers

ABSOLUTELY NO@Emerson good one, didnt think about that.

ASHLEY skittles

kirstay #HCQI love sour patch kids!!!

ColettePop rocks


ABSOLUTELY NO@Dylan are you still on here? If you are, get ur nuts up, & ANSWER me!

rose@CountryGirl13 Kitkat

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼Skittles and ice cream (I know it isn't candy just like it lol)

JasmineI luv sour patch


merandaAll of the types of candy

Alexlovez13🙊any and all candy except stuff that has coconut. 😖🌴

TheReal$oularSour Patch is a candy. It's a way of life.

Kaile_combsGUMMY BEARS!!!

Annikaall candy